Hey Les


<DIV STYLE="filter:dropshadow (color=yellow,offX=1,offY=1);width:540;"><font size="4" face comic sans" color="blue"><b>I miss reading your post,think your one wize fellow.More than anything I miss you giving your 25 cents worth on whats going on in our trade and how to better it.....I do understand but want you come and just play or help keep me in line.........may flood your email box this time.</b></font></DIV>

<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow (color=red,direction45);width:540;color:blue;"><font size="5"><b><marquee>~~~Lets Do The Powerwash Dance~~~~~</b><font></marquee></DIV>
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Thanks Larry, I appreciate that. I haven't been on line much lately, so I haven't been posting much. Work has been crazy for the last few months. Seems like theres not enough time in the day. I'm right in the middle of either scaling back to a one-man operation or going all out and hiring more employees and don't know which way to go. It's taking all my time.

I was watching the Bass Masters Classic on TV this morning and it almost made me sick to my stomach watching those guys fish...lol. I haven't been in so long I probably wouldn't know how to cast. I miss tournament fishing , but miss the peace and quiet of being on the lake on a saturday morning more than anything. A local bass club here used to have night tournaments on Friday and Saturday nights that I really like to fish in, but man, I'm too tired when I get home to stay up until 3 am fishing. You can bet your prize hen that when cold weather gets here and things slow down, I'm headed for the water.

Saw one of my old hunting buddies last week in Home Depot. Haven't seen him in 4 or 5 years caused he moved a couple towns away and I was too busy starting a business to hunt. Anyway, he said he was thinking of getting another bird dog and my mind started turning. Man, I miss my dogs. I sold them all right before I decided to go into business except for my champ, (lemon drop pointer). He died 2 years ago. But getting another one is out of the question. Too much time in training them, bird hunting sucks around here because of all the developing and all the farms are disappearing.

Oh well, I could talk about this for hours. I'll try to check in more often. Later dude.
LOL LOL *LOL*,,,Love your avater...neat...also glad to see you join.

Know what you mean about hir'ing help b/c of the work over load.

Man I wish you all the luck in the world as to finding good help that will stay with you.....been there done that.For 6 years I went 7 days aweek from daylight to dark and still wasn't enought time in the day back then either lol.I scaled back to just ME and I'm as happy as a pea in a pod......again good luck.

I'm getting back into my fishing and you know what,I almost forgot how to catchem,my first 3 trips I didn't catch nothing and I mean nothing,not even a bream lol.My boat set so long It almost died,will it looked as tho it was dead,I had to replace all the seats and it ox'd so bad I couldn't hardly believe I let it get in that kind of shape.Should have had my hiney kicked for letting that kind of boat set out in the weather like I did.......work work work work work NO time to play or fish...was it worth it hmmmmmm yel,lol.

I'm almost out of all my hunting,still hunt the bushy tail rats at times.The bird hunting around here isn't no good either and it hasn't been in a while,like you I miss my dogs,bird dogs,duck dogs,squirrel dogs,rabbit dogs and a pit dog to keep them in line haha.

Thanks Larry, I appreciate that. I haven't been on line much lately, so I haven't been posting much. Work has been crazy for the last few months. Seems like theres not enough time in the day. I'm right in the middle of either scaling back to a one-man operation or going all out and hiring more employees and don't know which way to go. It's taking all my time.

I was watching the Bass Masters Classic on TV this morning and it almost made me sick to my stomach watching those guys fish...lol. I haven't been in so long I probably wouldn't know how to cast. I miss tournament fishing , but miss the peace and quiet of being on the lake on a saturday morning more than anything. A local bass club here used to have night tournaments on Friday and Saturday nights that I really like to fish in, but man, I'm too tired when I get home to stay up until 3 am fishing. You can bet your prize hen that when cold weather gets here and things slow down, I'm headed for the water.

Saw one of my old hunting buddies last week in Home Depot. Haven't seen him in 4 or 5 years caused he moved a couple towns away and I was too busy starting a business to hunt. Anyway, he said he was thinking of getting another bird dog and my mind started turning. Man, I miss my dogs. I sold them all right before I decided to go into business except for my champ, (lemon drop pointer). He died 2 years ago. But getting another one is out of the question. Too much time in training them, bird hunting sucks around here because of all the developing and all the farms are disappearing.

Oh well, I could talk about this for hours. I'll try to check in more often. Later dude.

Anyone Here got Les number, this guy knows more about Chems that anyone I have ever met
Still would like to have Les number

Chris from Apple Roof I think knew him. I had private emails from Les back in the day with him helping me out with a few things.

Where is Bigboy these days....Probably flying hi again somewhere in the country.
Chris from Apple Roof I think knew him. I had private emails from Les back in the day with him helping me out with a few things.

Where is Bigboy these days....Probably flying hi again somewhere in the country.

Thanks John, Ill call Chris