Hey Guys! newbie here

Mike Lawlor

New member
Been reading up here for quite a while and appreciate all the information.
Getting ready to launch my new business with my brother.

We will be attending the round table in Easton PA so I look forward to meeting some of you. Also heading to Houston TX in 2 weeks to take Doug's rookie camp. Looking forward to it Doug!

Been reading up here for quite a while and appreciate all the information.
Getting ready to launch my new business with my brother.

We will be attending the round table in Easton PA so I look forward to meeting some of you. Also heading to Houston TX in 2 weeks to take Doug's rookie camp. Looking forward to it Doug!


Thats great
Mike, Welcome to PWI, now don't go learning everything here before you get to Houston. Looking forward to meeting you too.
Lots of great info here Doug! I am hoping to become an advanced beginner by the time I get to Houston.