Hey Bigboy

Clean County PW

Active member
Hey Bigboy,
You have some memory. Country bumkin my butt. That is the Kevin I was talking about. I remember he had a young family and he was real excited about powerwashing to make ends meet along with his carpet cleaning business.

He seemed like a real good guy which I'm sure he is. He had a way of posting which made you really care for this guy. I was really pulling for him to make it.

In the end he seemed to be down on his luck to the point that he didn't know if he even could bring food to the table. And then the bottom fell out. He didn't make it and he had to move on.

I felt bad for this guy. I know I can track his post on Dan's bb which if I get around to it and then I will e-mail him to see how's he doing and us here in powerwashing bb land would like to know if he's doing OK. Where all one big family. If I get a response I will let you all know via this bb.
Speaking of Kevin,

I recall him well too, used to brag about the SBA loan of $25,000 and how he spent it all, then came a begging for more $$ and all the brain picking off us he could get.

What stands out most in my mind is he kept complaining about his wife being with child all the time and no money to feed his large family.

That got me, a guy with a large family, a business, a $$ SBA loan who blows it all on heaven knows what and keeps coming back for more information yet not once did I ever read one nice thing from him.

He used to Email me all the time asking questions too then just dropped off like his computer blew up.

Anyone ever hear from him at all anymore?
I hope you get a response b/c I was like you,pulling for him,think I even chewed him out once but it didn't do no good.

I have a newbee now working my area,I told him saturaday he'd better listen to me or he wouldn't be in business long.He was telling me he was doing 5 rigs at 35 each every two weeks,(haha).I know the rigs he's washing and on a average its works out to every 7 weeks,I was getting 55 when I stopped washing them b/c of the 7 weeks thingy not the price.I'm getting 55 and 65 now and I told him do you think I'm this high b/c I want to be,,I have to be or I want make it in this trade.When washing smaller fleets or single trucks the price has to be higher b/c of setup,trear down and driving to another account.His wife told me she'd had been telling him they needed more per truck and listen to me b/c I had washed every truck around here.

I don't know its just I like seeing a man and wife team working together,its a long losted dream.I have helped them alot and will help alot more b/c I'd like to see them make it.I had rather work with one as to work againest one and never knowing what he's up to,no what I mean hahaha.
He's already wanting to add another rig (*LOL*),his and hers,she has been washing them by herself but with a helper,she said she was to scared to climb up on the engine *LOL*,she got up there but wouldn't take the wand from the helper b/c her knee's was shaking to much.He's having all the luck like done tore up to two new tires on the trailer(didn't know they where flat),running off and leaving stuff and having to go back and get it,you know the usual stuff.........also told him he needed to stop and do his bookwork before it was to late,which he should have done before he jumped in this trade thinking he could make it by going and getting the business without any knowledge of the trade,which I think kevin had did with know knowledge of the powerwashing trade....................I didn't have know knowledge of the trade but hey man I'm a true blooded redneck salesperson and ifen I wantem business to put some of dat there hurt on ya don't ever say nobody cann't cuzz dat there redneck will get in ya backpocket and the plain want be near as back as dat there hurt,lol.