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Hey guys- I am in a pickle.Cleaned a house today-vinyl siding the mix I used was 55 gallons water,12 gallons SH, 28 ounces Simple Cherry, 16 ounces F-13.Washed from the bottom up, using All-Flo pump-soft wash system and I got BAD streaking.Just got through doing 6 townhouses and another big house with same ratio and no problem. What is going on?
I did not see where he was using any bleach. Maybe too much soap that is stripping the natural finish, since he is using both f=13 and SH.
Is that 12 gallons 15% sodium hypochlorite?? If so all the plants at that house are going to be dead. Did you let it dry?? Can you post pics??
Apply soap from the bottom up, rinse from the top down. Thats a lot of degreaser and solvent in your mix... Kinda sounds like it was oxidized and you broke some of the oxidation down, but not all of it. If this is the case, more solvent, and less SH in your next mix, and you may have to brush it.