Help with training in Orlando FL


New member
Hi people, My names Rob, Im 24 and tired of working in offices and dead end Jobs. I've been researching starting my own pressure washing biz for almost 6 months now and am looking for some help. Knowing myself, the best way I can learn anything is hands on. I'm trying to find someone who works in this area that may need some extra help.

I was going to try and start up on my own without any idea of how the industry works (residential accounts, driveways, walls, sidewalks, etc...) but I just dont have the capital right now for equipment, and of course I have some major reservations about just jumping into somehting I know nothing about.

If anyone has any suggestions or has some work available please feel free to email me.

Try looking in the help wanted section of your local newspaper to see if anyone is hiring. There might be some painters that if you call them maybe they will train you in powerwashing so you can do that end of there job.

What I did when I first got started was to borrow a friends powerwasher that he used for his pool business and I cleaned first my house and then my deck with it. Then I cleaned my sisters house. Soon after that I cleaned my fathers friends house for a couple of bucks. Soon after that I bought myself a powerwasher and went from there. I bought tapes on how to do this business and learned mostly by trial an error. I never really made any bad mistakes that couldn't be fixed.

Now with bulletin boards such as this one you can ask any question you want and you will get a quick response by more then one person most of the time.

You don't have to buy a big powerwasher when you first start. Go to Home depot and buy a 2500psi 3 gal/ minute powerwasher thats not belt driven which shouldn't cost more then $500 and go from there. Its a write off anyway. And once your business starts to grow get the better powerwashers that you will need to really grow. But start small so in case if you don't like the business you can always keep that small Powerwasher for your own personal use such as cleaning your own home,car,deck etc. without putting to much of a dent in your wallet.

Good luck
Thanks for the responce Russell, I didnt get online early enough and by the time I called you had left. Whenever you get the chance you can call me at 407-679-6169. I'll be here all day long.