Help with pricing washing wheelchairs


New member
A retirement community wants us to wash approx 40 wheelchairs 2x a month, any one have experience with this or similar washings. I don’t want to overbid and lose job or underbid and lose money<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Thanks Matt<o:p></o:p>
Do they need them dried afterword? If they are all lined up ready to go and you just have to spray them down what will it take you to do it? Find out exactly what they want done and price for your time and materials.
I always find out exactly what they want me to do, and figure my pricing as if they are not going to do anything. My experience is, that as time goes on, they won't do anything, and expect more and more as you go along. You know, the Classic, "You did such a good job on this, can you do this too?" or " our orderly was busy, so he did not get things set up, can you do it for us?" That being the case, and what they are, I would charge a two hour charge, and go for it.
Unfortunately I've spent more time around nursing homes than I ever wanted to. From that experience I'd expect a tough job just getting all the chairs rounded up and having a clear understanding on what exactly your job is.

It sounds like a logistical nightmare. Maybe not but I'd make sure you have everything spelled out clearly in writing. They have a big turn over in those places and your contact may be gone next week.
What the heck kind of riding are these geezers doing to get wheelchairs dirty every two weeks....