help me out here

Nope, Never. Not until King Ron puts his up,,, and remember that I know what he looks like.

HEY good answer Amanda,come on brother give your picture to mommy so she can hang it "over" the fireplace.
I am just following the example of my fearless leader that I am walking in Lockstep behind.:D

Have seen some of your work here and was wondering if you would be interested in designing a label for a product that we are going to start marketing after the first of the year.

This product is a water base exterior/interior finish containing tung oil. We have been using it for about 6 years now here in the Pacific Northwest and feel it's time to introduce it to the Eastern States. The name of the product is "Nature Plus".

If this is something that may interest you, please let me know.

Jim Bilyeu,
Exterior Woodcare/LOK-WOOD CO.
hehehe finally mom's getting her wish and you was "so right" she said hang you up over the fireplace.........................................................................................
.....I done loosen the nail boy is mom going to be surprized,I'll prob-be get a whipping......o by the way don't bother combing ya hair cuzz when dat nail comes out its going to frizz up anyhow.
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Look people, I have seen both Ron and Scott and I must say if Ron wants to keep this board growing he will tell sweet Amanda to forgot about posting Scott's picture.

I mean why scare everyone away?
AS I notice that Jon's avatar disappeared....
Right Scott,

Happened when my computer crashed. What I wonder is why is it not still in the system.

Amanda? there should be a photo of me and one of my logo. If you can find either please add it.

The logo first and I will have my better half take a better picture of me to send in.
Scott you see him backup like a crawdad when you said disappeared,hehe. better comb your hair cuzz he's sending in a better picture hehe of himself.Sure hope I like the new Luckyboy,hope he hasn't turned dat way,you know,yel dat way cuzz I don't go by your looks as in if your skinny,round,big or what ever,I never have,and never will.I have all types of freinds and if I had to judge them on theirs looks as to weather I like them as in theirs looks I wouldn't know what to say or who to pick.

I have been told before I'm ugly and have also been told ham'some,the way I looked at that is one was mad at me and the other was wanting something b/c in my eye's they both their the same way.
You can hide the first layer of your looks but you cann't hide the inter layer of your looks as to who you are,I'm just glad I haven't a twin cuzz if I'd think he was ugly or ham'some I be judge'ing him,I just thank GOD for not making me no uglier or dum'er then I am.I have been though alot of tough times in my life but know it could be worse,I thank GOD for that.Wonder if GOD judges us dat way,if him do me shit out of luck man b/c in my eye's he just changed he's ways and I rather go with the devil,he don't care what I look like.
I fooled alot of people before they seen my picture with my users name even tho I told severaltimes I was buldit for speed,some didn't believe me.I alreadly know what ya'll both look like as both have told,your picture want change my mind in what I think of you,It can be as your working,playing,enjoying life and if you really want comb dat hair but had rather see the real you,which I do though your post,if I didn't like ya I wouldn't pick at ya,your looks cann't change that but your post can....Now I'm fixen to go pick on Mike in another thread b/c I like him but with his picture its like his setting across the table from me but I'm not looking at the outer layer part b/c he tickled me though his inter part.

Ok boys, if your going to be posting your pics please allow all of the others to take out shock insurance.

Give them a few days to contact their agents first, then post so they can all collect on it.

Amanda can you resize the PWNA logo?

If so would you also send my a copy of the smaller one?
