Heat&Turbo VS Paint!!!


New member
Tonight I decided to fight off the demon paint the hard way: heat & Turbo power. 10 spots done, 19 to go next weekend. That was hell of a workout :)). I started to like it.. For some reason the 5.6GPM machine did better than the 8GPM. Here are some fresh videos with humorous title :)...

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<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/D6h14XEjNnI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>
It looks like the method in the first video was doing better than the second, was the first video the 5.6gpm?

Were you trying to use the same turbo on both machines? I believe that they are sized with orifice sizes like the regular spray nozzles, maybe why the 5.6 was doing better than the 8gpm if you were using the same turbo.

If you were using different turbo nozzles then I am not sure what to say, the paint could have been thinned down on the first stripe, sometimes stripers will do that when the weather is colder or if they are running out of paint. Some stripes might have been rolled or painted twice so it is harder to remove, maybe that is where you tried the 8gpm? You just never know.

From the looks of the stripes, it looks like they were done with a 2x4 and a 4" roller.

I like how you faught the "demon paint". hahahahaha that was funny.

How long was it taking you to remove each stripe with the 5.6 gpm machine?

Did you have to rinse all that paint and sweep it up or did you just let it dry then run your sweeper over it?
It looks like the method in the first video was doing better than the second, was the first video the 5.6gpm?

Were you trying to use the same turbo on both machines? I believe that they are sized with orifice sizes like the regular spray nozzles, maybe why the 5.6 was doing better than the 8gpm if you were using the same turbo.

If you were using different turbo nozzles then I am not sure what to say, the paint could have been thinned down on the first stripe, sometimes stripers will do that when the weather is colder or if they are running out of paint. Some stripes might have been rolled or painted twice so it is harder to remove, maybe that is where you tried the 8gpm? You just never know.

From the looks of the stripes, it looks like they were done with a 2x4 and a 4" roller.

I like how you faught the "demon paint". hahahahaha that was funny.

How long was it taking you to remove each stripe with the 5.6 gpm machine?

Did you have to rinse all that paint and sweep it up or did you just let it dry then run your sweeper over it?

Both videos are with the 5.6 machine. I have another (bigger orifice) turbo nozzle for the 8GPM. It could be the PSI, the 8GPM works on less than 3000PSI after the heater and 200 hose; the 5.6 is very close to 3500 at the end. Those two lines were right next to each other. I was just showing that sometimes even a test spot can mislead you. The first line took me like less than 3-4 minutes. The second 10-15 may be and it did not get removed as good as the first one. I was going to use the sweeper if it was the entire garage, but this was only the very first level (half floor), so we just rinsed it off down and collected the debris.

About using a chemical: I tried a little spot with a chemical but, it did not do almost anything and it was much harder to clean the mess afterwards than to clean bigger pieces of paint left from just pressured water method.