Health Inspectors

Matthew Norman

I was searching the internet for a guideline of what health inspectors look for when doing an inspection on a resteraunt and couldn't find one. I've been told that they are inspected on the hood's but they don't care about the dumpster area and sidewalks. Is this true?
I dont know why they would care about the sidewalks but Ive heard some about the dumpsters.
Most health departments don't care about sidewalks. Worse the disease control handles the dumspter area. The maricopa county vector control dept. is very serious about the bacteria levels in the rears of places adjacent to residential living.

Most citys are accross the country. No one can see the vents and i dont believe they have any direct health issues to the general public. Patrons may suffer but the vents that come from the room dont usally carry airbourne bateria that I'm aware of.

Wal-marts and Pizzahuts have been closed down do to high bateria levels and have become public health issues.

Contact your control dept and give them cards like we do.

We also are certified sanitary clean up, if a sanitary over flows we have been trained in the proper applications thru our county health dept.

Thats why we have DES contracts,
Several ears ago when I was complaining to the local health department about dead bird carcases on the roof, their reply was "Dead birds on the roof of a restaurant do not constitute a health hazard! As a mater of fact something would need to fall out of the hood into the food before the exhaust system would be considered a health hazard!"

Dave Olson