Health Care, I hate it!!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I'm so agaist this I may March, I'm 45 years old and have done this without the gov all my life.

I do not want to now pay for someone elses health care.

We send money to Africa and China, we help haiti and neglect our own people right here in the USA.

I'm sick of this Crap!!

My daughter was joking about me running for office. I may do it!!!!

I'm just done with our ridiculous behavior.

We are Broke so lets burden the rest of us trying to hang on.

Arizona has a great State health care program. I agree with it, those only in economic status who qualify get it. I stay on my own and dont carry a large burden for those who dont.

Second Arizona was doing this before the FEDs fell apart responsibly.

Get rid of this will kill us all in one way or another.

Has anyone been down to a goverment office for anything. Outdated old and takes them 3 years to respond.

Wiat " New health care no one denied, just fill that form and wait three years to hear back" Your dead in Eight weeks
Join the Crowd on being Pissed Off at this kind of take over. It never go's well with anything the GOV Runs and you notice that Congress is not on this so called PLAN :shakehead:

It is just a Money grab like everything else they do PERIOD.
It's do as I say not as I do !! If they force me to take their health care I will come out of the closet as a Mexican liberal with lesbian tendencies and sign up for free health care, food stamps, housing, free lunch for my grandkid's, and trade in the Ford for a used Cordoba....I truly believe that this could be the begining of the end for this government!!
It's do as I say not as I do !! If they force me to take their health care I will come out of the closet as a Mexican liberal with lesbian tendencies and sign up for free health care, food stamps, housing, free lunch for my grandkid's, and trade in the Ford for a used Cordoba....I truly believe that this could be the begining of the end for this government!!

This absolutly baffles me that the people of the United States are so brain washed by this crap they will never see whats happening to America!! Oh they sugar coat it to force this load of crap down our gullets and convince 78% of the (sheep) working folk that this will be great!! F--- them people who dont want to work! Let them starve!! I was brought up if you dont work you dont eat! They need to get rid of all the plans for welfare unless you are an older person who cant work anymore! The rest of you lazy peaces of s--- go hunt for your food, get a job and stop sucking us small businesses for every tax they can collect!!!

Im with you Ron. Im not standing for this!!
You know the saying an American Revolution! But I know people are too busy to stand up for what our country was built on because they have a TV show to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell Im mad yet??? I love this country and it kills me to see this bunch of chest beating as- ----- in the white house. Ok im done now.