Have Software or Hardware Questions?

Insight Direct

New member
I would be more then happy to lend my ears to any that have questions regarding computer technology.

Whether it be for Hardware or Software advice please post here and I will reply within one business day
Software we sell.


We sell integrated management solutions for service oriented companies. Our program's handle the full life cycle of the job, starting with quoting and estimating, job and employee scheduling, capacity managment, complete customer and employee databasing, billing, invoicing, reporting...etccc

We really offer to much to describe in a small post, best thing to do is visit our site at www.insightdirect.com and check it out for yourself. You can even download a free (no strings attached) fully functioning demo of our basic program Serviceworks there as well.
Well, I did download the program. Could not even figure how to get the program opened. Went to "getting started" was told to open "options" Did not work. I think I will stay with Quick Books, may no tbe perfect, but it does work. I just lost 2 hours that would have been better used cleaning up the van or shop. Even after deleting the program, the stupid logo thing is now in the middle of my desktop. How do I get rid of that???
Douglas Hicks

General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc
Hi Chris,
Welcome to the board. Glad to see you found it.

p.s. Douglas, you should be able to uninstall the program.

Go to:
Start then to
Settings then to
Control Panel then to
Add/Remove Programs and find the program. You can uninstall from there. :cool:
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Hi Chris
Welcome to this BB. I'll just start by askin a quickie. What do you think of Win XP? Is it worth the upgrade on a relatively new computer? I hear that it conflicts with alot of software.

I'll checkout your site to. Thanks
FYI....as I wrote to Chuck in email... Windows XP is full of bugs. I would never suggest anyone go to it right now. You are better off with 98, NT or 2000 for the time being.

Still here

Sorry for the delay guys, I just was out of town for 5 days at the IWCA show in Reno demonstrating our software and making some new friends.

OK, that being said let's go over what I missed from you all while I was gone.

First, I never suggest that anyone download our software and try to use it right away without some help. The best way is to actually set up a free web-conferencing demonstration with myself or one of my sales reps, this way you can actually see the program in action as we answer your questions on what is important to you.

Another great free tool we offer is our Web Based Training program that is on our website. To find this simply click on the web classes link found on the left hand directory of our site at www.insightdirect.com

These options should have been offered to you after downloading the program in a followup call by one of our support reps.

DOUG- If these were not offered to you, please let me know so I can find out why!!!! To get rid of the Icon on your desktop simply highlight it, right-click your mouse ontop of it and select delete from the menu that appears.

Also please feel free to contact any of us directly with any and all questions.

Support # 617-557-4898
Sales 800-471-4200 x231
My direct line 800-471-4200 x231

PS- Ron, I do have a picture I would like to use, but the file size seems to large for your avatar to handle. I will send it to you instead if you like.

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XP Worth it?

I use XP on my new laptop and have not run into any problems with it yet, it does seem basically bug free and runs pretty darn fast with the usual 8-15 applications I usually have open at all times.

Saying this however, I would not wipe a system clean of an OS to switch to it. Windows 98 second edition, 2000 and NT are all good operating systems and I have never been a fan of wiping out an OS just to upgrade to a newer one. It is kind of like giving a computer amnesia and then asking it to learn a new language, a host of problems, whether with registry files or drivers usually will ensue.

So if you are buying a new computer, I suggest XP, if you are looking to upgrade on an existing machine I would hold off for now.
I strongly disagree with your stance on XP.
I have spoken to several techies.... folks in "IS" who decide on platforms and roll them out. Most all are waiting. Some went through with it. Of those who went through with it over HALF of them ran into some serious problems and had to go back to the prior OS.

Everyone should keep in mind that software companies need time to react to new versions of Windows, to test, to release patches and updates to accomodate the OS. XP is too new for most software companies to have had adequate time to respond, especially given that MS is still working on XP.

Consider all of the applications you have installed on your PC, and make sure you understand the implications of what can happen if you upgrade. Any one of them could have problems. You would have to check with the individual software developers to see if there are patches or updates or if it might even mean upgrading some of your software.

Just a word of caution from one who works for a software developer.... Stick to the old OS for a few months.

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Which Software Developer do you work for?

How do you find the time between that and running a succesful powerwashing business?

Pretty impressive.

Maybe I should preface my earlier comments on XP, I was in no way endorsing that people should switch over immediately to XP, especially in a large network or enterprise environment. Only that it works great on my laptop which is my travel machine, I do plug it into our network from time to time, (advanced server 2000) with no problems. But we have not switched our entire network over to it (16 LAN users, 9 remote users) nor do we plan on doing it any time soon.

As far as applications compatibility with it, again I have found no problems with any of my business apps( Office 2000, ACT, ServiceCEO, Outlook, Access, SQLServer, Explorer, Palm Desktop, Tech Help Center 2001) but I did run into some freeze-ups with my personal favorite for downtime in Madden 2002, lol.
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Hi Chris,

Don't worry. I'm not the competition. lol

How do I find the time? I'm lucky. I live 10 minutes from work. I try to manage my time well. I handle certain aspects of the business, but the backbone of it is Rod. He's there full time. We also have an office manager.


I hadn't even thought that you might be a competitor, but now that you mention it, LOL!

I was just so mightily impressed with how you can find the time between a full time job, running a large business and family life, that I was thinking about relocating you up to Boston to be my PA. God knows there are never enough hours in the day for me between my company and my 2 kids, that I can use a super infusion of time management from an expert like you. Maybe 16-20 hour days would be less the norm then they are now.

I wish someone would make a software program for running a software company that saved as much administrative time as ours does for you guys. I guess that will have to be our next application that we build! If you know of one let me know, as I have searched. We have found some that havbe helped for development tracking, tech support help and databasing..etc, but no 1 integrated application that does it all.
Check out Onyx (sic?).... it might help your company if you guys are big enough to afford it. We are not using it here.

I work for a company that has web solutions....DMS, full text retrieval etc. Prior to this, worked for a company that has a financial solution, competed with Oracle, JD Edwards and the like.
Before that was with a reseller. Been at it since '88.

I was once asked to move to Boston...said no thanks. Too much snow for me. ICK! I'm a warm weather person. :)

Good luck getting it all done.
