Has the PWNA been repurposed?

Scott Stone

New member
I noticed a trend and wanted the input of some of the people here.
In 1992 Robert Hinderliter founded the PWNA with a few associates. At that time I thought that it was an educational organization that was for the benefit of the industry. They did have their semi annual conferences, and there were seminars there. I went to one about 6 years ago in Las Vegas, and was not real impressed. It seemed at that time that it was totally targeted at new contractors, and their was nothing for established contractors. I think for the next couple of years, and under different leadership that they started closing the gap. They were making progress, and I actually considered joining.
I am thrilled that I did not. It seems that the PWNA has been hijacked. They are expecting dues paying members to pay their dues, and support the organization, and the only ones that are benefiting are a select few. and they are having SIGNIFICANT financial benefits on teh backs of Newbies to the industry. It appears that Board members have been requested to resign from any Moderator positions on any BBS other than the PWNA BBS, which has been made inaccessible to non-members. I am actually surprised that these board members did not have the intestinal fortitude to tell the powers that be to ... Additionally, as I have said in the past, these are not the actions of an organization concerned about our industry, and particularly about the individual contractors.
So what I want to know is, what are your thoughts on this? Are they slowly (strike that) quickly sending the PWNA into oblivion for the personal enrichment of a VERY select few?

Scott Stone
High speed on a short road!
It is incredible that these guys are so shortsighted!
these are not the actions of an organization concerned about our industry, and particularly about the individual contractors.

I concur

Are they slowly (strike that) quickly sending the PWNA into oblivion for the personal enrichment of a VERY select few?

I have always felt that the BOD considered themselves elite and above anyone else in the industry.Basically,if you don't conform to their way of thinking or dare to challenge their ideals you are a black sheep.
This last situation has displayed some of the poorest decision-making abilities I've ever seen. I'm not big pro or con, they don't really have anything to offer me (log work). I'm moderate, and generally step back and look at things from a distance before making any decision, but even from afar, they really screwed up. Could be intentional, to run it to the ground and the only thing standing will be the "eduacational" society, and their legion of newbies.
There has always been people using the PWNA to make money..........and always will be. Over the years, various contractors have tried to be a part of that so called elite BOD group............I was one of them. I failed in the same way that many other contractors have in that role...........there was simply not enough time in the day for me to devote to my business, family, and serving on the PWNA BOD. Something had to give...........so I resigned. I enjoyed being a part of it, but it seemed like most contractors that got involved had the same problem.........no time. Therefore, the most influencial people in the running of the organization are those who financially benefit from being involved...........its only logical. Not many of us can afford to do volunteer work. Life is short, and time is valuable.

Im not sure I have a point in this rambling............I have no solution to the problem. I suppose the PWNA or any future organization that wants to succeed needs to evaluate how other successful organizations in other industires got to where they are today. What did they do differently that the PWNA can't seem to pull off in 14 years?

Im certain the road to success is not by closing your doors to the outside world.............as the PWNA seems to be doing. They were cruising on the information superhighway..........picking up steam with internet traffic...........and now it seems like they want to make every road to success a toll road....................hence, I'll just stay right here at PWI for the moment...........a freeway to success, I might add.........and I'll get myself a front row seat to watch the PWNA implode like one of those demolitions you see on TV. Popcorn, anyone?
I just never bothered to fill it out.........its not something Im ashamed of. That being said, I sure am glad I had nothing to do with this most recent turn of events. I wish them luck.