hard to believe

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
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what the hell ????????
That is some crazy crap
Thats jacked up!!! The news anchor said it was planned. The defense attorney said shes looking for community service and counsling, yeah right, thats a crime fit for juvi time.
That is a shame.

Each one of those kids that was involved should be sent to juvi for at least 6 months to a year for that.

I agree, years ago it was one on one but sometimes they would gang up on you but then you went to their homes or waited for them and got them all back, worse than what they did to you each time.

Like they say about paybacks.

Since they want to act tough on video, let them see how tough they are in juvi with real trouble makers.
That is a shame.

Each one of those kids that was involved should be sent to juvi for at least 6 months to a year for that.

I agree, years ago it was one on one but sometimes they would gang up on you but then you went to their homes or waited for them and got them all back, worse than what they did to you each time.

Like they say about paybacks.

Since they want to act tough on video, let them see how tough they are in juvi with real trouble makers.

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT! Clearly you do not have children, particularly a daughter.

As the parent of 3 daughters, I can expertly say that teenage girls can be cruel and vicious. HOWEVER, when that viciousness escalates to PHYSICAL VIOLENCE & KIDNAPPING......it is NOT a juvenile matter. 17 & 18 year olds that are obviously old enough to be aware of laws should be held to those laws period.

IF those offenders were "playing bad", then they should not be put with other offenders who are definitely bad. They need to be immediately stuffed into the military.
I just caught the end of some of it on the news but the Judge put them on pretrial probatio, took them all out of that school, can't go on My Space HOUSE arrest and a lot of other stuff and I think I heard they will be being charged as adults GOOD, jerks

My Mom said she saw an interview with one of the jerks mother and she basically said the beat up girl shouldnt have written what she did on My Space. Mothers an idiot too
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It looks like people just dont think before acting. the girls and guys that did this stupid thing have ruined their own lives!! you would think with all the crazy thing going on in the world in the news people would stop and think a little more. (Do unto others)