Hand held pda


Member Specialist
What do you use, a Palm, HP Jornada, Handspring or one of the others?

Why did you choose that one and would you buy it or a later model again or another brand?

I almost bought the Palm 500 or 505 but wanted to see what else is out there, saw the HP Jornada 548 which is Windows based but did not buy yet.

Pro and Con on all brands please, don't want to waste $$ on wrong product.
I have a palm pilot, and have ahd one for about three years now. I like the e series because they have quite a bit more memory. I think that the next time I buy one I will go with the Jornada, or the Compaq. I am thinking that they would be more flexible and able to do other stuff that would make my life easier.


I don't have one but have looked at them more intently recently. I think if I buy one it will be a Jornada simply because they are Windows based and come preloaded with Mini-Word and Mini-Excel.

I use Word on my laptop to print my invoices now so it seems logical to me