Had a Great meeting with PM's Maintenace Supervisor today

As most know we had been cold and snowy here and now it is much warmer during the day like maybe 50f so now we have a MESS to clean up after the snow melts, Tons of Sand and Ice Melt everywhere. The sidewalks are a real mess, but it is still too cold to wash them at night 20f range here and if I wash them now they will be dirty in about a day with all this sand and ice melt all over and with things tough in Retail I don't want to waste their money for a few days and then back to a Mess. Man all the centers I Sweep and Wash are a real mess the sidewalks are just Black right now from all the Sand they put down.

But the Supervisor on one of my big accounts told me how well were doing on cleaning the mess up and I mean we are working hard right now for them, I had to dump 8 yards of sand last night and had no where to put it so I when out back in one of their fields and dumped it, so I had to go in and talk to him today and tell him what was up. I like being up front with all my customers and it PAYS OFF BIG TIME for me and they seem to love it. So many are not that way around here anymore. He I told him what we were up against and he said fine dump there and not to worry they want this center clean and they will haul it off later. This is the Premier Shopping Mall or Center in Town and want it Perfect and it is the Biggest here in town too.

They had me bid on two other properties the own the land under but the retailers lease it from them so we shall see if I get more work soon, They love our work and are selling it for me LOL I like that in a customer. I have never had a customer try to sell my work before :D So I must be doning something Right.