Guy or roger do you know this guy

No, I did post a comment on there yesterday though. A lot of parents can relate to this Father's anger, I know I did.

Seems Kids today think their Parents "Owe" them something, and to a certain extent we do, but our Children also "Owe" their Parents a certain amount of respect. Unfortunately because of our "Progressive Society" the door is wide open for Children to disrespect authority at all levels...Teachers, Police, Parents, & People In General.

As Parents we must share the blame in this too. There is this unwritten stigma that we (As Parents) must provide a better life for our Kids than we had. The problem with that is the Kids either are not taught or understand how much Parents have to sacrifice and work in order to provide this better way of life.

It seems to me that our Society (Not All) thinks it should live in an "Entitled" way, kind of like those reality TV shows. New Cars, Fashion, Homes, Toys you know, the Millionaire lifestyle, and so do the Kids. Problem is.......It Don't Work That Way!!!!!

You Want These Things, You Work For Them.............To Get Respect You Give Respect.

Soapbox Broke...I'm Out:)
No, I did post a comment on there yesterday though. A lot of parents can relate to this Father's anger, I know I did.

Seems Kids today think their Parents "Owe" them something, and to a certain extent we do, but our Children also "Owe" their Parents a certain amount of respect. Unfortunately because of our "Progressive Society" the door is wide open for Children to disrespect authority at all levels...Teachers, Police, Parents, & People In General.

As Parents we must share the blame in this too. There is this unwritten stigma that we (As Parents) must provide a better life for our Kids than we had. The problem with that is the Kids either are not taught or understand how much Parents have to sacrifice and work in order to provide this better way of life.

It seems to me that our Society (Not All) thinks it should live in an "Entitled" way, kind of like those reality TV shows. New Cars, Fashion, Homes, Toys you know, the Millionaire lifestyle, and so do the Kids. Problem is.......It Don't Work That Way!!!!!

You Want These Things, You Work For Them.............To Get Respect You Give Respect.

Soapbox Broke...I'm Out:)

Get it fixed....that was great.....Agree 100%. I often think back and wonder how my parents were ever able to provide the way they provided for us, on ONE salary too.
Respect is a two way street and children should know what it is like to be respected. The parent should show respect to each other and those authority figures as an example to the children.

I notice that anything about my girls that bothers me is always something that is a bad habit of mine or I have shown them unintentionally. Just a reason why adult need to step up their game (me too). My girls will do anything for their mom and dad, not only because we (mostly my wife) show them how much they mean to us, but other adults in their respect for each other and teach the girls how to respect their parents. It has to be consistent throughout the child's life or it won't seem legitimate.

I think it is entertaining what that guy did, but he only lowered himself to her level and did nothing worthy of respect. Yeah, it is funny as entertainment, but I would never humiliate my daughter like that.

Sounds like dad never does anything around the house, but bark out orders and the daughter is smart enough to know that something is wrong with that. She stepped up her game at getting his attention is all. Probably knew dad would find it anyway. Never underestimate a 15 year olds awareness.