Gulf oil leak


JL Pressure Washing
Man I just can't believe this massive oil leak is still going on. This is a darn nightmare I feel so bad for the folks in the Gulf, ruin their businesses, their whole way of life and it could effect them for years even decades. Now it going towards Florida, maybe up parts of the east coast

You know i thought there was nothing we couldn't handle, but this is something obviously we cant handle or stop. I figured the greatest minds in the world would have had this figured out by now and stopped. This is just horrible

Call the whitehouse email them, your congressmen everyone. Raise he*l everyone, there is more that could be done, heck blow the thing up or something

Man I really never cared about Drill Baby Drill, now I don't want them to ever drill another well. Man we have to get into ALL other forms of cleaner energy, something

Its kind of scary, how they have no clue how to stop this, i wonder what else we have been lied to about

God Bless all you folks in the Gulf
Take the congressman and shove them in the hole. Then blow it up .
They knew that they had no plan for a fix if there was ever an accident. Thats why they are going to be brought up on criminal charges. And dont think that this administration and other's before didn't know the risk. But the MONEY won them all over, now there playing the concerned act as if were all so stupid in thinking they really give a crap.

Nobama was jamming at the white house with Paul McCarthy as if nothing was going on, between his tee times and apologizing for america around the world what has this bafoon done?
I am registered with the Horizon as a "databased" contractor.
If anyone wants the info to get on their list as a vendor, email me and I will send the link to get yourself onboard. I am hoping to get a concerted effort with other contractors in the area to join forces and get involved with the clean up efforts.

Govt and BP are doing what they can "on paper" ( it seems) while our wildlife and marshlands and people's livlihoods are dying before our eyes, minute by minute.

I'm rolling already. Resi's and wood can wait as far as I am concerned.

You can start by calling info and assistance line 866-448-5816.
It;s like they figured out how to get to the moon, but put no thought about how to get back.:jester:

GW would never let this happen, his uncle dick would say, no no no that oil is money.

Oh' never mind uncle dick runs haliburton, and guess which company supports the oil wells? And guess which company is making more money on the spill then they were just offering support services when the well was operating? I'll give you a hint, it is the same company that is making billions supporting a war that we shouldn't be in, it is also the same company that is responsible for overseeing the construction of temporary showers in Iraq, that were built so poorly that several soldiers DIED by electrocution while using those showers.

The fact of the matter is that there will always be more money in the emergency support capacity then the operational phase.

The footage you see of the guys on the beach in the tyvek suits are probably brought in through a re-train work program. I worked in the environmental Field for many years, I have worked on DOD and DOE projects, and there is an ongoing initiative to hire inner city folks that are in those re-train programs, and alot of them go into the environmental Field, they are given their 40 HAZWOPR course, and set loose.

I have been to Prince William Sound, 10 years after that spill, and the oil is still just a few inches below the shore sand, in that case it was so remote that just getting there was super difficult, but as far as the sandy beaches we see on the news, just shoveling the oily sand into bags is just a show, not an answer. Only mechanical separation of the oil will put a dent in that problem. Burn in place solutions are available and are used all the time in pipeline breaks, very effective and very easy.

And Obama should just get a shovel a bag and some oil pads and go out there and clean it up himself, and not appear to be happy, after all the entire country is at risk here. Rush said just the other day that Obama is not doing enough to take care of this problem, yes you got it the same guy who rants and raves that the government should never be involved in private business, and that the free market can defend itself.

I lived through cat 4 hurricane a few years ago, I had 306k in damages, homes, autos, equipment, trucks, boats everything, and the great FEMA machine rolled into town trying to make everyone whole again, well I had insurance for everything and needed nothing from them , but they came out to assess everyone situation individually, and I got a check for 3k. Socialism? maybe. I called them up and asked why I got a check, there answer was not to questions it, just accept it, they said that I met some criteria for the receiving the $$. Others who had no insurance and lost everything got NOTHING. WellObama was no where to be found, so who could have institute such a socialist policy, must have been a real bleeding heart liberal, after all this was Aug 2004 in Florida, so it must have been our super liberal Governor, hmmm no couldn't be hime, not Jeb Bush, well then maybe it was that dastardly liberal socialist president, but how could that be GW was in office then, hmmmm who could hav done such a thing, must have been that 1st term senator from Illinois, no couldn't be that guy, he wasn't even in office when this took place. I guess that we need to ask Rush who facilitated this socialist program, after all just handing out money, to those who didn't have insurance or means to take care of themselves. Whas next are we just going to provide health insurance to all of those who cant afford it on there own!!!!:clapping:????

Suddenly seems that the call for socialism is being masked by some as the solution to this problem, I heard on pretty lady from the land up north, say that Obama should commender all of the available resources of the companies that have the correct equipment to solve this problem, well that seems like a radical solution doesn't, sweety? Why not hire those companies, ((as in hire for $$)) like the free market is designed to operate, and then get them out there to clean up the mess.

Well at least we know now for sure who is mixing the kool aid.
This is a WHY would should be Drilling Inland, There is no reason we can't drill onshore, but thats not going to happen with all the Psycho Tree Huggers running around. There is no reason we should be drilling off our coast with all the oil and coal reserves we have onshore.
Don't quote me on anything but I heard on another board someone got a power washing contract for the clean up of this spill. It involved the ordering of 136 brand new machines.
I have seen some people on the news P/W the boats that came out of the spill area's.
Don't quote me on anything but I heard on another board someone got a power washing contract for the clean up of this spill. It involved the ordering of 136 brand new machines.

Vince can you share some of this info as who it is?
I would like to speak with them directly as well.
This is a WHY would should be Drilling Inland, There is no reason we can't drill onshore, but thats not going to happen with all the Psycho Tree Huggers running around. There is no reason we should be drilling off our coast with all the oil and coal reserves we have onshore.

Got that right. Or drilling in shallower water. If this had happened in shallow water it could be handled. The Russians I think have had a problem like this and used a small nuke to blow up the well and stop it but we won't do that. Meanwhile the oil still flows.
Last I heard it's reached some of the Florida beaches as well.

As long as it doesn't reach the Bahamas before September. My vacation is non-refundable.
They knew that they had no plan for a fix if there was ever an accident. Thats why they are going to be brought up on criminal charges. And dont think that this administration and other's before didn't know the risk. But the MONEY won them all over, now there playing the concerned act as if were all so stupid in thinking they really give a crap.

Nobama was jamming at the white house with Paul McCarthy as if nothing was going on, between his tee times and apologizing for america around the world what has this bafoon done?

This is wrong. The problem was there was a pre approved plan in place that has been around for years, but in order to pull the trigger, someone at the EPA had to approve implementation, and they would not do it, because they thought it would make them responsible. Not thatBP was not at fault. Relief wells should have been in place a long time ago.
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Those cats say a lot