Guess Who's Desk?

I Would have to guess Yours

I say this because one time while talking one the phone you said you had a very large monitor that looks like at least 18"!

Andrew/Safe Clean:cool:

Ah Never mind I forgot you were moving to a new office over Thanksgiving, you couldn't have gotten it that dirty in that short of a period of time. (Could You?)
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The glasses look female, so I am going out on a limb and say Beth. If I'm wrong, I apologize Beth!!
ROFLMAO!!!! :p

Nope. Not ours. It may have come close to that a year ago, but we got organized in the off season, automated a bit, and it's no where near it now. Only one ...okay two small piles of paper now.

And no porn tapes.... lol...

Maybe it's Jon's desk? Or Bigboy's?

Hey Ron,
Give the O-Rings to someone else. I don't want people to think that I had an inside track.

Thats pretty funny that you mention the glasses looking female.

Mike's picture on the other bb he has those glasses on. I thought those kind of glasses give out the studious look. What one person see's another see's something different. The female look LOL LOL LOL I can't stop laughing. I'm out of here.

Gee Beth am I delighted you thought it might be my desk?

Sorry but mine is not half that messy, (no offense Mike) so it MUST be Bigboy who has the messier desk.

I d have one question for Mike H. How do you find the money on your desk?
Will it could be mine but a few things are missing,I don't see no 3 or 4 pepsi cans,astray,3 or 4 cartoon cigs.,no chocit, no 2 remotes,no campbell Hausfeld 98 but I don't throw paper in the floor,will at times........warning don';t move stuff around on my desk cuzz I know where stuff at,will I may haveta dig awittle but I can get close.

Did you see Scott throw them o-rings back at Ron,sssssayen he don't wantem hahahaha.

Hey Scott better take them,,rem'ber Ron saying you can always use a bag of o-rings,will I've been keeping a eye on mine lately will ever sences I called him a D.H.,haha...hehe,,,GOD will pun'hes me by letting me run out I know he will as to teach me a lession,,,I'm learning the hard way but I'm learning LORD,haha;.
yel give them to cleancountry and we'll know it wasn't fixed,hahahaha that teach him,he should have took them,they were free...its the last thing I rem'ber to order like most......maybe my brothers not wanting to come out of hid'ing for all to see cuzz mom's looking for him,she's got a big fire going.
Jon F,

All's I have to do to find the money is put on my female glasses........that is if I can find them after watchin my porn tape.


By the way, that is the box for "Paint Shop Pro 7" software, not porn. Can't get your mind off the stuff, can u?? :)

The 3 Stooges thing is a fluke......I think it was a commercial.

I'll post an "after" pic of my desk when I'm done cleaning/organizing.......maybe sometime in late
Hey Mike,
I'm still laughing after reading your first sentence in your last post.:D :D :D

As for the three stooges...weren't they great. Curly(woop woop woop) boy was he funny. I won't let my girls watch that show but man I loved it as a kid and even as an adult. There shows are to risque for these modern times for example: A couple of weeks ago they had an episode where they were watching a little boy who was in his crib. The three stooges gave him a gun to play with. The kid precedes to put the gun in his mouth. Then he takes it out and caps off a live round and scare the **** out of the stooges. Funny in a warp way but not reccommended viewing for the kids.

Oh one more thing Ron if you read this: my company name is Clean County not Country but if my business expands like my waist line then maybe I should change it lol

Also since Mike H. was abused here with the accusations of wearing female glassess and watching porn tapes give him the O-rings. WHo knows what he'll do with them LOL

Hey Mike -
I'm with you. Hey, if they had been female glasses and was my desk (I do wear glasses), then it would have been my porn tape. YIKES! I didn't know the three stooges did porn...kidding!

I'm glad it wasn't my desk.... I do have beanie babies on my monitor though that my son put there.
