Guess the grease and win a prize

Chinese or Mexican .. I recognize the lil snot fingers hanging down...We usually scrape all these off and give them to the hungry cats outside by the dumpster... At least the ones that are still alive and not tucked away in the coolers..
Here is a closer shot of the boogers.

A "National service company" just cleaned this place in January.
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That is Aisan for sure.... :eek:
mbryan said:
Scott you are scary. You did so well, you won a tasty treat from Wangs House of Pork
You can send it to Josh. I am sure that he will appreciate it more than I would.

Is it American/ Ribs /burgers/ and/ or breakfast?????????????????

The stalactites hanging from the ansul pipes are confusing me - I usually see these in Asian places and maybe sometimes in an IHOP/ coffee shop type place.

I hop I don't strike out here.