New member
My wife and I were in Best Buy tonight buying a new laptop.
We picked out the one we wanted, talked to the floorman for a while about it and decided to do some looking around before we left. So I go over to one of the computers that are hooked to a large LCD tv right in the middle of the store. I decided to check PWI just for fun, stayed on for about 10 seconds and then started surfing the web, I thaught to myself how cool would it be to put my web page on this humongojigantourous screen where everyone could see it. So I did it along with all of the other 25 pc's connected to the web.
It was kind of fun. While I'll prob never get a call from it, and its pretty silly, the 30 or 40 people that were in there tonight now know my business exist.HAHAHA
I Just thaught I would share that.
It was kind of fun. While I'll prob never get a call from it, and its pretty silly, the 30 or 40 people that were in there tonight now know my business exist.HAHAHA
I Just thaught I would share that.