Green Apple vs Respirator

I have not heard anything about this yet, Might be worth discussing....
Some of us are starting to use Lori's Great Products.
One of them is a Green Apple scent that takes out most if not all of the bleach smell.
Anyone that has been around 12% much knows the danger if you breath much of it and that you should use a respirator in heavy applications.

Common since (have not asked) tells me the 12% even with the good green apple scent will have the same effect if you breath it as if it was not treated.
When you get a good whiff of regular 12%--it will remind you to put on a respirator....
Now that the smell is somewhat appealing or masked and its hard to use that 6th since to sense danger in breathing harmful odors.

So Lori chime in and I did not personally ask about this, but common since tells me treated 12% need to be treated as untreated.
The reason I brought this up is when I first used it, I was up there taking deep breaths...boy this smells good!!!
Then I started thinking about it..............:stop:
I don't think the Green Apple impacts the chemical compostion of the SHC, it just masks the smell, with that being said, the fumes are still there so I can only asume that your physical reaction to them would be the same. I would not want to take abig deep breath of it regardless of how good it may smell.
Al, you brought up a very serious point. Thank you for bringing it to the bb. Yes, you and Mike are right. The sodium hypochlorite will react to any organics with the same power. The Green Apple Fragrance, Ammonyx LO (Hang Tite), and Ammonyx M (Apple Butter) are SH stable. Your SH will not break down the Green apple or soap.

The heath affects and cleaning ability remain the same whether or not you can smell the SH. Although tempting to smell the Green Apples, please keep that sweaty respirator on your face!
SH is Sodium Hydroxide, I am pretty sure he is talking about Chlorine, which is a much larger respiratory hazard.
Some newbie is going to get killed some day because of indiscriminate use of the letters "SH" for both sodium hyplochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
Great warning Advice

I have not heard anything about this yet, Might be worth discussing....
Some of us are starting to use Lori's Great Products.
One of them is a Green Apple scent that takes out most if not all of the bleach smell.
Anyone that has been around 12% much knows the danger if you breath much of it and that you should use a respirator in heavy applications.

Common since (have not asked) tells me the 12% even with the good green apple scent will have the same effect if you breath it as if it was not treated.
When you get a good whiff of regular 12%--it will remind you to put on a respirator....
Now that the smell is somewhat appealing or masked and its hard to use that 6th since to sense danger in breathing harmful odors.

So Lori chime in and I did not personally ask about this, but common since tells me treated 12% need to be treated as untreated.
The reason I brought this up is when I first used it, I was up there taking deep breaths...boy this smells good!!!
Then I started thinking about it..............:stop:
Respirators are a good thing, especially on hot days with no wind.