Grant - you have an admirer


facilisales Machine
I saw this sticker yesterday.
They really put a lot of effort into coming up with an original idea for their sticker :D

You know the old saying, "Everything is bigger and better in Texas".
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We are expanding into Texas and all points between: Look for the press release on 4/1/06.
Sweet! The last carpet cleaning company we followed into an exhaust cost us a whole night, and we ended up with a 50-gallon barrel full of solid grease
Here today, gone tomorrow
Imitation is a sincere form of admiration.

Love those carpet guys with the short sleeves and the ties.....reminds me of AC/DC.
Hells Bells!
AC/DC might be the Rock n' Roll version of a Exhaust Cleaner...look at their songs:
Cover You In Oil, Burnin Alive, Hard As A Rock, All Screwed Up, Up To My Neck In You, Back In Black, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Shot Down In Flames, and for a select few greasers "Caught With Your Pants Down" and "Whiskey On The Rocks".

Maybe we can have them create an anthem for us....
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Michael T

Please call me at 281-793-1935 - Question on a Texas commercial building bid.
Grant I think we may have learned a lot about you from your last post.
I am thinking maybe be has a bunch of milk crates in his garage with records in them.......old school stuff.