Grafitti on limestone

Russ Johnson

Equipment Expert
A local cemetary got vandalized big time...the crack heads stole brass and bronze grave markers, smashed stained glass windows in the chapel, stole the brass urns with people's remains in them, set fire to the carpet, and sprayed grafitti all over the inside and out. A bunch of volunteers are cleaning up and asked me for advice on the grafitti removal. I don't do any pressure washing, although I know how to attack most common cleaning problems. I've got grafitti remover and hot water machines to donate, but are there and real tricks to getting this cleaned? I know that a lot of pressure can't be used on limestone and that the whole building will need to be cleaned for uniformity. Any other advice you can offer?
How could anyone do that to a cemetary and a church? That's the result of parents who didn't teach their kids respect for themselves, anyone or anything else.

I wish I had more experience and could offer some advice, but I'm just too new and haven't dealt with limestone yet. Very sorry.
Good luck. It's nice to hear that people care enough to volunteer for the cleanup and repair effort. If I were closer, I would be there too.
They did all that in one night?


That's rough. People talk, I bet it was kids and they'll get caught.
That whole town has got to be devastated at that utter disrespect. It's such a violation. Things like this tend to pull communities together and I'm sure that the right people will help. Prayers should be going to law enforcement to catch the offenders. If they're not caught, I feel certain that the ultimate punishment will be far worse.

How do you get to a place in your mind that would cause you to behave like that? Just horrible.

Russ, good speaking with you again yesterday :)
