Gov't Indoctrination centers

Where else but govt can you spend Zillions of dollars for a century and produce schools that are Failures and say whats needed is - More? Do people realize how much more expensive a public school is than private? I honestly believe this country was lost because of public education - no exaggeration!
Most schools would do better with more parent involvement. I don't see enough parents involved in what their kids are doing at school. I think that is why private schools work much better also. Not only are the teacher-to-student ratios better, but since the $$ is coming directly out of the parents pockets they tend to be more aware of what is going on in their kid's daily routine.
After all we need more Day, Night and WEEKEND care for Illegals DON'T WE?

See it seems he want to stay open later, so what that tells me is Day, Night and Weekend Care or as we call it here in NV, WELFARE....

OH Don't for get the FREE MEALS they will be serving too :eek:k:

He is just SPREADING THE MEALS AROUND after all he got our money first now it is time to Grab our FOOD too.
This makes perfect sense. I dont know about all around the US, but here in gawga, our edumacation sucks. So I guess by sending kids to school longer / more they would just be brainwashed and even more mornic. Not only that, but the govt can not afford the school system like it is, will the additions just be free?
Improving our children's education SHOULD be done at any cost - however, this stupid country of ours doesn't seem to have a grip on anything anymore. Here in NC, they are laying off teachers right and left - who the hell is going to work LONGER for the same money and still have a job loss threat hanging over their head?

I will say this - my son has been in year round school since he started kindergarten. THAT is an awesome program and he has the grades & test scores to prove it is a benefit.