Google ADclicks

I tried it for about 6 months 2 years ago...for me it was like internet gambling to 6-800 a month got calls but it was trading dollars
you start paying extra for word combinations up to 2.00 or more per click
it can get crazy real quick...but what the hell ...try it see if it works for you ....let us know
I tried it for about 6 months 2 years ago...for me it was like internet gambling to 6-800 a month got calls but it was trading dollars
you start paying extra for word combinations up to 2.00 or more per click
it can get crazy real quick...but what the hell ...try it see if it works for you ....let us know

I just want my phone to ring.. haha ive put over 1000 door hangers out, about 30 craigslist adds, now my website is up, and im dying I just want the phone to ring..

I think if i set a budget like 55.00 for the click period it shouldn't go over but I wonder how many clicks that will buy me.

Thanks for the imput, Ill post my results.

We were paying well over $500 for the first 4-6 months until we got our website up to #1. Then we scaled it back to like $50.
I am not very familiar with SEO, but doesn't craigslist post help out with website SEO?
I am not very familiar with SEO, but doesn't craigslist post help out with website SEO?

Yes it does, I was just looking at a site called

Looks promising, 60,000 views in 30 days, for 59.00

Not sure how much i will sell out of that, but at least it will get my rank up.

So the rank is determined by how many people go to your site? Also, how do they guarantee 60,000 views?

This has proven just how unfamiliar I am with this.
Dont use an SEO company. You can get better SEO techniques right here on these boards. Talk to Chris Tucker, Mike Kreisel, and Fenner. Our site was on the first page within a couple of months and #1 within the first 6 months. But that was for roof cleaning.

Dont waste your money on SEO companies. That 60,000 views is part of a network where your ad is show ALL over the US. If they could guarantee 60,000 views from Sugarland, it would be worth it. But people in New York and Bismark will be seeing your ad, and you'll be paying for it.

Also on your adwords, turn off your "content network" thats the same thing as above.