Goodbye old Friend

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
No BJ's by fat interns.

No mysterious dead guys committing suicide in the park without a weapon.

No a$$ grabbing with help from the state police.

No, my friend GW has had a boring presidency.

Sure, we had an attack that killed 3000 of our people.

And sure, he didn't have the tact and wisdom to "sanction" the offenders with embargo's and other such hi-falutin' things.

He, in his ignorance rid the world of one of the great humanitarians of our time, Saddam Hussein.

We haven't been attacked since then, because, in spite of GW, Al Gore in his Nobel Prize winning wisdom won over the Islamic world with his determination that the US be respected as leaders in the fight against global warming. Thank you Al.'s chilly in here....

Goodbye old friend.


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Well I have to say he left with CLASS, I don't agree with all of the things he did while in office, but We have NOT BEEN ATTACKED AGAIN and it seems the Media and a few others that want a free hand out have forgotten that.
Say what you will about him, He is a Classy Person.

NOW we need a REAL CONSERVATIVE to run for office and not the crap they have been giving us.
No BJ's by fat interns.

No mysterious dead guys committing suicide in the park without a weapon.

No a$$ grabbing with help from the state police.

No, my friend GW has had a boring presidency.

Sure, we had an attack that killed 3000 of our people.

And sure, he didn't have the tact and wisdom to "sanction" the offenders with embargo's and other such hi-falutin' things.

He, in his ignorance rid the world of one of the great humanitarians of our time, Saddam Hussein.

We haven't been attacked since then, because, in spite of GW, Al Gore in his Nobel Prize winning wisdom won over the Islamic world with his determination that the US be respected as leaders in the fight against global warming. Thank you Al.'s chilly in here....

Goodbye old friend.

Ditto, ;)
No BJ's by fat interns.

No mysterious dead guys committing suicide in the park without a weapon.

No a$$ grabbing with help from the state police.

No, my friend GW has had a boring presidency.

Sure, we had an attack that killed 3000 of our people.

And sure, he didn't have the tact and wisdom to "sanction" the offenders with embargo's and other such hi-falutin' things.

He, in his ignorance rid the world of one of the great humanitarians of our time, Saddam Hussein.

We haven't been attacked since then, because, in spite of GW, Al Gore in his Nobel Prize winning wisdom won over the Islamic world with his determination that the US be respected as leaders in the fight against global warming. Thank you Al.'s chilly in here....

Goodbye old friend.

... geez, we all love a happy ending, don't we!!

Take away the comparisons with liberal agendas, embarrassments and royal balls-ups... can you really give our 'old friend' a slap on the back and say, 'gee, thanks George - job well done!!'.

Sure, 'he' has kept the US safe from another attack... surely that is only to be expected of the executive branch, the CIA and the military?

But, in the aftermath of 9/11 the US gained global support, not seen since WWII, and Bush threw this 'political and social' advantage away through the execution of 'go get 'em' policies... result - condemnation across the globe.

He has presided over massive job losses... yes, there was growth during his presidency, but this mess happened on his shift.

There are no two ways about it... Iraq may have had WMD's at some point, but the American public were misled about weapons of mass destruction and alleged ties to Al-Qaida. RESULT - a war in Iraq and that has made the US less secure, caused a boom in the recruitment of terrorists, is killing american troops and is proving to be a bottomless pit for the money of American taxpayers for years to come.

Bush didn't follow through in Afghanistan, where the terrorists and recruiting, training and regrouping... increased threat to the US, I think so!

As a head of state, Bush has insulted and ridiculed other nations and international organizations and then wanted the help and assistance of those same people

... and as an outside observer, Bush 'skilfully' used the horrors of 9/11 to distract the american public from his policies of increased executive power and divert attention from the REAL problems facing the american people.

Bush's legacy? It's OK america... I inherited a recession, now I'm leaving on a recession, so it's all good - it's just the same as I started (don't worry about everything in between)... give me a break!

oh, hang on america... change is coming, Big Barry is gonna' make it all better... just give him a trillion dollars and your prayers will be answered.

My point is this, forget about the whole conservative/liberal crap... how about a focus on american traditions, values and way of life that built this country. Too much sh*t slinging and he said/she said... you/we are being taken for a ride...

... geez, we all love a happy ending, don't we!!

Take away the comparisons with liberal agendas, embarrassments and royal balls-ups... can you really give our 'old friend' a slap on the back and say, 'gee, thanks George - job well done!!'.

Sure, 'he' has kept the US safe from another attack... surely that is only to be expected of the executive branch, the CIA and the military?

But, in the aftermath of 9/11 the US gained global support, not seen since WWII, and Bush threw this 'political and social' advantage away through the execution of 'go get 'em' policies... result - condemnation across the globe.

He has presided over massive job losses... yes, there was growth during his presidency, but this mess happened on his shift.

There are no two ways about it... Iraq may have had WMD's at some point, but the American public were misled about weapons of mass destruction and alleged ties to Al-Qaida. RESULT - a war in Iraq and that has made the US less secure, caused a boom in the recruitment of terrorists, is killing american troops and is proving to be a bottomless pit for the money of American taxpayers for years to come.

Bush didn't follow through in Afghanistan, where the terrorists and recruiting, training and regrouping... increased threat to the US, I think so!

As a head of state, Bush has insulted and ridiculed other nations and international organizations and then wanted the help and assistance of those same people

... and as an outside observer, Bush 'skilfully' used the horrors of 9/11 to distract the american public from his policies of increased executive power and divert attention from the REAL problems facing the american people.

Bush's legacy? It's OK america... I inherited a recession, now I'm leaving on a recession, so it's all good - it's just the same as I started (don't worry about everything in between)... give me a break!

oh, hang on america... change is coming, Big Barry is gonna' make it all better... just give him a trillion dollars and your prayers will be answered.

My point is this, forget about the whole conservative/liberal crap... how about a focus on american traditions, values and way of life that built this country. Too much sh*t slinging and he said/she said... you/we are being taken for a ride...


Steven, you need to remember that It was Bush in 2001 who tried to stop the landslide he saw coming with the banking industry and the mortgage companies. The democrats (Barney Frank in particular) alongside a do-nothing bunch of scared republicans blocked all efforts to undo the legislation they had made that forced banks to make loans that were risky under the guise that it would allow more people to buy homes.

Once the banks started to fall, they stopped lending. When banks stop lending, companies that operate based on lending start to fail. Even Donald Trump is suing for a bank cutting off his funding!

Now what did George Bush have to do with that? Further, what business is that of George Bush's? You have fallen victim to the fallacy the the Government owes it to us to make everything o.k.

The executive branch of Government is responsible for 1) Defense 2) Free Commerce 3) Court System. There is no constitutional authority for the President to do anything about the economy.

You mentioned Iraq. Colin Powell spent his life in the military and rose to the highest ranks. He had access to the same information Bush had. There were many democrats who stood up and backed Bush in the war in Iraq. I remember the speeches, republican and democrat alike, one after the other talking about how we need to get Saddam Hussein because of WMD's. If you believe all those congressmen were convinced by George Bush and some false information he fed them knowingly, then we really need to oust them all if they were that stupid. Bush acted on what was given to him and did the best he could with it.

Did he have failures? Yes. But none of them compare with Clinton's failure to act swiftly and decisively after the first World Trade Center Bombing and the USS Cole.

And you need to get real about Bush's disrespect for the other countries. They have hated us for decades. They hate us when we prosper. They laugh at us an celebrate when we are harmed. This is not because of George Bush.

My wife was in France in 1995. Right in the middle of the Clinton era. She was lost and asked for help twice. No one helped her. Two people spit at her. Just because she was American. Don't try to blame that on Bush. The other countries are using Bush to justify the hate they already had for us.

I could go on and on. But your blaming the economy troubles on Bush is like you pressure washing a house and the customer's car breaks down and they blame you for the car trouble and send you packing to hire a "better" house washer. It's just not accurate.
Bush will go down in History as the WORST President ever :( He rammed a stupid, unnecessary war down our throats.
Then, he took care of his banker buddies with the "bailout".
He looked out for Haliburton, his Big Oil Friends, then the Bankers.
Clinton sold our jobs out with NAFTA. :(
Too bad Ron Paul did not get elected. :(
I don't agree with everything Bush did or does but I am forever greatful that when were attacked he was the president and not Al Gore.Could you imagine what we would have done if this hypocrite would have had to make a decision.Bush keeps us safe at home, if you don't believe that call someone in Isreal and see how safe they are in there homes.

The thing about other countries hating us WOW!.They hate us until somebody's starts knocking on their door and then we are the first call out PLEASE HELP US U.S.A.It's kinda like the cops nobody like em until they need em.

The economy going bad is everybodies fault not just Goerge W's.The people who couldn't afford the $300,000 houses knew it when they signed for them.The mortgage people knew it too.The banks knew it everyone did but the loans went out anyway.

Bush is the reason oil went to 150 bucks a barrel if that's the case then it should still be there then shouldn't it.The man made mistakes but it's like the old saying the only people that can make a mistake is somebody that's doing something, the people sitting on the side on their buts won't ever make a mistake because they don't do anything.
Now what did George Bush have to do with that? Further, what business is that of George Bush's? You have fallen victim to the fallacy the the Government owes it to us to make everything o.k.

Tony, trust me... I have not fallen victim to the fallacy that the government owes us anything. I have lived the majority of my life in a country where the 'nanny-state' drones are killing social structures, economic structures and the way of life - I came to the US for the opportunities it offers and a sincere appreciation of hard work reaping rewards (I respect people like you!!). However, I am calling a shovel a shovel when it comes to the impact George Bush has had on the US... there may have been glimmers of success in his term, but overall, he has been BAD for the US domestically and abroad.

The executive branch of Government is responsible for 1) Defense 2) Free Commerce 3) Court System. There is no constitutional authority for the President to do anything about the economy.

Granted, there may be no constitutional authority for them to do anything with the economy... but they sure are good at getting involved in it. Besides, we all know that economic factors affect the executive branch's ability to exercise it's responsibilities with regard to defense and free commerce. The knock on effect of business closures, reduced spending, home foreclosures, etc obviously results in less being collected in taxes - thus impacting federal budgets on the area they are responsible for. To me, it may not be their constitutional responsibility - but it is in their interest to shape economic trends. Thus, recent government 'assistance' and 'bailouts' are explained.

Tony, the democrats and all the 'iconic' :)rolleyes: ) figures in Congress are a hinderence to getting things done... too many interest groups and urgency to get re-elected. They forget that they are there administrators and public servants put into 'power' to serve the nation's interests - not support groups!

If you believe all those congressmen were convinced by George Bush and some false information he fed them knowingly, then we really need to oust them all if they were that stupid. Bush acted on what was given to him and did the best he could with it.

George Bush obviously didn't convince them - yes, he acted on information given to him. I am not necessarily saying that Bush lied (or Tony Blair lied) as they were 'using information given to them'. Truth on the matter, where did this information come from? There is evidence to show that there was a political effort to manipulate the scant intelligence analysis on Iraq, before it was even put before UN scrutiny. With regard to where information came from... Sadam expelled UN weapons inspectors in 1998, after which, very little information was available or passed to US intelligence agencies. Where did they get their info... an ex-Iraqi foreign minister and scientists (who both denied existence of WMD), they also got info from exiled Iraqis (who said WMD's did exist). Who are you to believe... there was no physical evidence. Besides, Sadam was a master of propaganda and manipulation - by expelling Weapons Inspectors he set up a smoke screen for the rumor-mill of him having WMD's - if he did have a handful, he didn't want the world to know that he had '1 or 2'... his ego was happy to let the world think he had an arsenal.

my point, perhaps it wasn't Bush to blame - but there his political agenda at play. Check the dates on some of the CIA white Paper's and British Intelligence Agency White Papers, public political statements by Bush and his team affected intelligence investigations - and drafts of these papers differed from publicly released papers (which served to emphasise information that backed up public political statements).

And you need to get real about Bush's disrespect for the other countries. They have hated us for decades. They hate us when we prosper. They laugh at us an celebrate when we are harmed. This is not because of George Bush.

Tony, how far afield have you travelled? Europe? South America? Far East? Australasia?

I have lived in the UK, visited much of Europe, was educated alongside true nationals of the Far East, India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand (not 'my dad is scottish, or my great grandpa is from Germany' types) not once in conversation or interactions did a hatred of America pop up.

Trust me, prior to Bush the US was held in higher regard across the world. The US media has done a good job of convincing you that the world hates america.

Perhaps looking from a religious standpoint, a high percentage of muslims may have a distaste for america... in general, they hate western culture - unfortunately, with the US being at the forefront of western culture, this distaste is aimed at americans. So who celebrated when the US was harmed? Germans, French, Italians, Brazilians, Canadians, Moroccans, South Africans, Kenyans, Turks, Greeks, Chinese, Chileans, Canadians??

Radical religious factions in a handful of countries... bear this in mind, many of these countries don't enjoy the access to non-partisan, unbiased media outlets that we do (well... do we?!?!), they are not educated to think for themselves, many are illiterate... their culture and religion dictates their thought. So when the one 'leader' amongst them spouts a distorted view of their religion and gives them hope for their family, they believe it and embrace it because they don't know any better. they are told, 'your life is crap because of westerners'... and they believe it.

However, when was the last time you saw media showing positive displays from people towards america? Firstly, it wouldn't be newsworthy... secondly, in general people don't take to the streets to let us know how great something is. They will make a scene and some noise when they are unhappy about something... this spectacle will get air time.

With regard to Bush's impact on how america is perceived - he comes across as a bumbling moron... plain and simple. His arrogance and passive stance on points that affect others is regarded as ignorance... sure, he may be a christian, with principles and strong beliefs - but like it or not, he is the figure head of this great nation and he gives an impression of the american people. (and hasn't done americans any justice).

... I'm not blaming economic problems on Bush - both parties and corporate misgivings have led to this. Unfortunately, he is the 'night watchman'...

I've probably bumbled on a bit myself, and raised points that are slightly off-topic... but to insinuate that the 'good 'ole boy' did well is ridiculous. Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Franks and the many others on the liberal side are irrelevant in judging the tenure of George Bush. To me, To defend his record and impact is like saying thanks, you did a crap job, but thanks.

Tony, like I said at the beginning of my rant - to me, you epitomize what is right about america, however, please take the blinkers off when judging this guy.
when it comes to the impact George Bush has had on the US... there may have been glimmers of success in his term, but overall, he has been BAD for the US domestically and abroad.

I have to agree with Steven.
Tony, how far afield have you travelled? Europe? South America? Far East? Australasia?

I have lived in the UK, visited much of Europe, was educated alongside true nationals of the Far East, India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand (not 'my dad is scottish, or my great grandpa is from Germany' types) not once in conversation or interactions did a hatred of America pop up.

Trust me, prior to Bush the US was held in higher regard across the world. The US media has done a good job of convincing you that the world hates america.

Perhaps looking from a religious standpoint, a high percentage of muslims may have a distaste for america... in general, they hate western culture - unfortunately, with the US being at the forefront of western culture, this distaste is aimed at americans. So who celebrated when the US was harmed? Germans, French, Italians, Brazilians, Canadians, Moroccans, South Africans, Kenyans, Turks, Greeks, Chinese, Chileans, Canadians??

Radical religious factions in a handful of countries... bear this in mind, many of these countries don't enjoy the access to non-partisan, unbiased media outlets that we do (well... do we?!?!), they are not educated to think for themselves, many are illiterate... their culture and religion dictates their thought. So when the one 'leader' amongst them spouts a distorted view of their religion and gives them hope for their family, they believe it and embrace it because they don't know any better. they are told, 'your life is crap because of westerners'... and they believe it.

However, when was the last time you saw media showing positive displays from people towards america? Firstly, it wouldn't be newsworthy... secondly, in general people don't take to the streets to let us know how great something is. They will make a scene and some noise when they are unhappy about something... this spectacle will get air time.

With regard to Bush's impact on how america is perceived - he comes across as a bumbling moron... plain and simple. His arrogance and passive stance on points that affect others is regarded as ignorance... sure, he may be a christian, with principles and strong beliefs - but like it or not, he is the figure head of this great nation and he gives an impression of the american people. (and hasn't done americans any justice).

Cant for the life of me figure out why anyone gives rats azz about what people think of America. It must have taken you 20 minutes to type that bable..................WHO CARES?! I grew up in Europe (70s), they did NOT look upon us favorably. I didnt care then, I dont care now.

Bush is a fiscal liberal, for that he fails. But the economy ALWAYS has its ups and downs, this is but a blurp, well get through it, no big deal.

But one of his MAIN jobs, to keep this county and its citizens safe from harm he did what he should have. WMD? Give me a break, theyve found enough crap over there to kill several hundred thousand people. But more importantly Iraq was a safe haven for terrorists, for that they deserve to be obliterated from the earth.
Tony, trust me... I have not fallen victim to the fallacy that the government owes us anything. I have lived the majority of my life in a country where the 'nanny-state' drones are killing social structures, economic structures and the way of life - I came to the US for the opportunities it .....................................- to me, you epitomize what is right about america, however, please take the blinkers off when judging this guy.

Steven, There are many things I disagree with George Bush on. I completely disagree with the bailouts, all of them. I disagree with his spending on lots of other issues.

I hold the man in highest regards for his integrity.

In the face of ridicule he's kept his promise to the Iraqi people. (unlike his father).

What do you think it would have taken to plant as many WMD's as he wanted in Iraq. I submit that if it had been Clinton who started a war because he was told there were WMD's you can bet they would have found WMD's and lots of them and Clinton would have been right over there standing on top of them and smiling for a photo op! (Remember, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinski." and "that depends on what your definition of "is", is".)

My 14 year old daughter's friends don't think a BJ is any worst than kissing now. Thank you Bill Clinton. (And where were you, Bill, when I was in school!?!:p

Anyway he's been a man of his word. Our country needed that after Bill Clinton. That's one reason I'm going to miss him.
it must have taken you 20 minutes to type that bable..................WHO CARES?!

the relevance of the time taken to type is?... :confused:

I grew up in Europe (70s), they did NOT look upon us favorably. I didnt care then, I dont care now.

... did you ask yourself, was it US or YOU?!?!
Steven, There are many things I disagree with George Bush on. I completely disagree with the bailouts, all of them. I disagree with his spending on lots of other issues.

I hold the man in highest regards for his integrity.

In the face of ridicule he's kept his promise to the Iraqi people. (unlike his father).

What do you think it would have taken to plant as many WMD's as he wanted in Iraq. I submit that if it had been Clinton who started a war because he was told there were WMD's you can bet they would have found WMD's and lots of them and Clinton would have been right over there standing on top of them and smiling for a photo op! (Remember, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinski." and "that depends on what your definition of "is", is".)

My 14 year old daughter's friends don't think a BJ is any worst than kissing now. Thank you Bill Clinton. (And where were you, Bill, when I was in school!?!:p

Anyway he's been a man of his word. Our country needed that after Bill Clinton. That's one reason I'm going to miss him.

Tony, granted... you are right - He has held true to his word and beliefs. For what it's worth, I didn't think much of Clinton either - would be nice to have someone in power who didn't have an agenda...

Tony, granted... you are right - He has held true to his word and beliefs. For what it's worth, I didn't think much of Clinton either - would be nice to have someone in power who didn't have an agenda...


And Steven, I spent

1 month in Japan, (they hated us)
2 1/2 months in Perth, Australia. (women loved us:) , guys didn't like us)
3 months in the Phillipines (they liked us)
3 weeks in Hong Kong. (they were indifferent)
2 weeks in Canada (indifferent)
Many times in Mexico (indifferent)

Shelly spent:
1 year in Romania (she said they liked us)
2 months in France (said they hated us)
1 month in Germany (some were friendly, some not)
1 year in Eastern Russia (the poor liked us, the wealthy hated us.)
5 months in Mexico City (indifferent)

I haven't gone to Europe because Shelly doesn't care to go back. She keeps saying the US is the only place she wants to be after travelling around.
There are so many fallacies that have been propagated by the media, an the more liberal side of the political agenda of Bush that it is hard to keep track.
That being said, we still hve one of the highest, if not the highest standard of living in the world. We still have one of the smallest proportions of our country that goes to bed hungry at night. Finally, we may be hated, but America is still the country that people are willing to die to try and get into. To me, that says a lot.
And Steven, I spent

1 month in Japan, (they hated us)
2 1/2 months in Perth, Australia. (women loved us:) , guys didn't like us)
3 months in the Phillipines (they liked us)
3 weeks in Hong Kong. (they were indifferent)
2 weeks in Canada (indifferent)
Many times in Mexico (indifferent)

Shelly spent:
1 year in Romania (she said they liked us)
2 months in France (said they hated us)
1 month in Germany (some were friendly, some not)
1 year in Eastern Russia (the poor liked us, the wealthy hated us.)
5 months in Mexico City (indifferent)

I haven't gone to Europe because Shelly doesn't care to go back. She keeps saying the US is the only place she wants to be after travelling around.

I apologize for the insinuation that you hadn't travelled in order to come to your conclusions... and I'm jealous of all the places you both have visited!! :)

In my experience, people are friendlier in the US than in Europe.
There are so many fallacies that have been propagated by the media, an the more liberal side of the political agenda of Bush that it is hard to keep track.
That being said, we still hve one of the highest, if not the highest standard of living in the world. We still have one of the smallest proportions of our country that goes to bed hungry at night. Finally, we may be hated, but America is still the country that people are willing to die to try and get into. To me, that says a lot.

Scott, you are right... America is full of opportunity for those who want to take it. Could I have bought a business and started another while in Scotland... possibly, but not as easily and everyone would have been queued up at my door to take every penny I made off of me.

The media is a soap opera here though...
Could have been me...............still dont care. And if you dont have an agenda you will accomplish nothing. Or did you just want him to have an agenda that you agree with?