Going Green !! It's not new Idiot !!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that
plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized
to her and explained, “We didn’t have the green thing back in my

That’s right, they didn’t have the green thing in her day. Back then,
they returned their milk bottles, Coke bottles and beer bottles to
the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and
refilled, using the same bottles over and over. So they really were

But they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.

In her day, they walked up stairs, because they didn’t have an
escalator in every store and office building. They walked to the
grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every
time they had to go two blocks.

But she’s right. They didn’t have the green thing in her day.

Back then, they washed the baby’s diapers because they didn’t have
the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy
gobbling machine burning up 220 volts – wind and solar power really
did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always
brand-new clothing.

But that old lady is right, they didn’t have the
green thing back in her day.

Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house – not a TV in
every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a pizza dish,
not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, they
blended and stirred by hand because they didn’t have electric
machines to do everything for you. When they packaged a fragile item
to send in the mail, they used wadded up newspaper to cushion it, not
styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, they didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to
cut the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power. They exercised by
working so they didn’t need to go to a health club to run on
treadmills that operate on electricity.

But she’s right, they didn’t
have the green thing back then.

They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty, instead of using a
cup or a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They
refilled pens with ink, instead of buying a new pen, and they
replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the
whole razor just because the blade got dull.

But they didn’t have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar and kids rode their bikes to
school or rode the school bus, instead of turning their moms into a
24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not
an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they
didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from
satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest
pizza joint.

But they didn't have the green thing back then!

I can't remember not having a remote for the TV...but I still have my old record player. Does that count? lol
And 1 telephone in the whole house.

My Mom didn't get air conditioning until about 1 month after I moved out. I think she was trying to tell me something.
It's very true, we have become so dependent on everything !! I would not trade my childhood for anything, I see how lazy and spoiled these kids are today....Seat Belts..We dont need no stinking Seat Belts...lol
We had a remote for our tv. The only problem was that only my grandparents could use it. They wanted the channel changed they told one of us to change it.

How about pliers or vice grips for changing channels? We also had one wall phone and it was ROTARY!

Seat belts?????? Those were for securing your new black and white tv while you took it home.

We had more guns than we had televisions and more bullets for those guns than silverware and dishes combined. AND they were kept in my closet with the exception of the pistol in my grandpa's night stand.

Air conditioning consisted of going to the cooler section of the grocery store.

I will admit though that football games look better on a 48" plasma then they did on a 13" black and white while you held onto the rabbit ears.

Ah the days where you looked forward to Saturday morning cartoons and the WWS (Wide World of Sports)

Sorry...it popped in my head the minute I read WWS. lol
It's very true, we have become so dependent on everything !! I would not trade my childhood for anything, I see how lazy and spoiled these kids are today....Seat Belts..We dont need no stinking Seat Belts...lol

Seat belts?

hell I remember the spot everybody fought over was up on the deck in the back window of the car.It was big enough to lay up there and we were small enough to fit.