God Bless Texas

Finally We have a Leader and he comes from TEXAS...... God Bless this Man.

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Finally a man who stands up for Texas to the federal Govenment.....
If they don't like it maybe its time to succeed from the Union and become The Republic Of Texas again.....We have alot of oil,beef,gas, refineries and other commodities to sustain our great people......GOD BLESS TEXAS...
Arizona is following suit;

HCR 2024 is scheduled to be debated in the House Committee of the Whole (COW) on Tuesday, April 14, 2009.

HCR 2024 stipulates that the state of Arizona claims sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution. It states that this resolution serves as both a notice and a demand to the federal government to immediately cease and desist mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers. It demands that all compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply, under threat of civil or criminal penalties, or sanctions or requires states to pass legislation or otherwise lose federal funding, be prohibited or repealed.

HCR 2024 requires the Arizona Secretary of State to transmit copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate of each state's legislature, and each member of the Arizona Congressional Delegation.

We urge everyone to contact your Representatives and politely ask them to support HCR 2024 when it is debated in the COW on Tuesday, April 14, 2009. You can find your Representatives here: http://www.azleg.gov/alisStaticPages/HowToContactMember.asp .
Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee.....states with no income tax, and states that are still doing well economically. It's no coincidince that more Fortune500 co's are located in TX than any other state. Drive from Plano to D and it is a "who's who" of big business.

Check this out: I was listening to radio today, and our new gov (way liberal Democrat) was griping because a large manufacturing Co. that was considering moving to KC decided otherwise. He was talking about how our state had offered them many, many tax benefits but they went to Michigan instead.

Here is what bugs me about this: even a stupid Democrat like our Gov realizes that tax advantages create prosperity for his state.....yet he won't offer this to the individuals. He realizes that if you bring in a new Co. and don't tax them, it STILL creates prosperity for the state!! Baffles me how they can't parallel this with other forms of taxation, capital gains, etc. to the individual.

The more I think about stuff like this, the more I think that the problem is that about 90% of bureacrats want what is best for THEM, to the detriment of millions of people. They NEED to be in charge of their pet projects and committees to feel important/successful, and the thought that it is absolutely unneccessary is something they cannot even consider. It is nothing short of evil.

Right after school I needed part time work, and I called about a telemarketing ad. It was one of those call centers that solicit money for firemen and police. Like a schmuck, I'd donated to those in the past. So I go for the interview, and there are a bunch of homeless-looking bums in there talking on the phone saying, "yes maam, I'll Steve calling down here for the local FD---we are just calling our local citizens and trying to collect money for new protective gear." Absolutely appalling. But you know what?? Totally legal!! All you need to do is give 10% of your donations to your cause, and the rest can be used as "operating expenses".

It reminds me of the govt. Tax us like crazy, and keep 90% of the money for "operating expenses", and 10% actually gets to the problem that the tax is FOR. ....So we pay a fortune in taxes so queers like Barney Frank, who has no recognizable skillset, can feel like a CEO by shoveling money around to his cause----and most of the money is used TO OPERATE THE CAUSE, not solve the original problem.

I'm ready for a revolution, civil war, whatever. These liberals are no better than terrorists and I'm ready to start treating them as such. One good thing---I think I finally understand the concepts of Freedom and Liberty. My definition would be, "Doing whatever you want to do, so long as you aren't harming anyone else." I think that covers pretty much everything.

But liberals TRULY want to take that Freedom. I want to be left alone with my money to do as I please (after I've paid my fed taxes for defense and interstate, and paid WHATEVER state taxes my state feels I should pay). I'll give my money away as I feel necessary and as I've been blessed. Liberals want to decide all of that for me. I want to drive my truck. Liberals want to shrink my truck down or tax it higher, to motivate me to drive what THEY want me to drive. Again, affecting my freedom. Look at any issue that comes up. Think of it clearly in these terms: Am I going to be allowed to do what I want to do, or is this issue going to make decisions for me?