Go Israel !!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
This is only my opinion, I hope that Isreal goes into Gaza and Palistine, and completely anihilates those rock throwing, terrorist thug's.

This will never end until they (Hamas) are eliminated, they have been starting S**T with them for generations. The younger generation is taught to hate Jews from when they are born.

We helped save their existence in WW2, and if it was me i would go in their with them and finish this ASAP..F**K the UN they are a bunch of A Holes as far as I'm concerned.
This is only my opinion, I hope that Isreal goes into Gaza and Palistine, and completely anihilates those rock throwing, terrorist thug's.

This will never end until they (Hamas) are eliminated, they have been starting S**T with them for generations. The younger generation is taught to hate Jews from when they are born.

We helped save their existence in WW2, and if it was me i would go in their with them and finish this ASAP..F**K the UN they are a bunch of A Holes as far as I'm concerned.

I support them as the USA has for years, but I just dont believe the sob's will ever stop fighting in the middleast for at least another 100 years.
The only way the fighting is going to stop in the middle east is if one group or the other is annihilated.
What the anti semites do not realize is that Israel has, since 1948 been willing to give concessions to the palestinians and the arabs, but they have refused to accept them. People also do not realize that there was a cease fire between Hamas, and Israel 6 months ago, that Israel has honored until this last week. Hamas has lobbed average of one rocket a day into Israel the whole time. Imagine if you knew that your avowed enemy was lobbing a rocket a day into your neighborhood, what would you do?
I support them as the USA has for years, but I just dont believe the sob's will ever stop fighting in the middleast for at least another 100 years.

Exactly, thats why we need an end to this...Ask the Japanese they know what I'm talking about..

This could all end with one stealth visit in the middle of the night...Then we will go in and re-build everything as we always do..:confused:
Being In Iraq isn't such a bad play after all, huh?
Exactly, thats why we need an end to this...Ask the Japanese they know what I'm talking about..

This could all end with one stealth visit in the middle of the night...Then we will go in and re-build everything as we always do..:confused:

Ok, enough beating around the bush, tell us how your really feel.....:)
I agree Israel has to clean house!!! The only thing those hateful,jealous,angry, Islamic cave men know is force and fear,when you try to negotiate it shows a sign of weakness that they will try to exploit by any means necessary.If you are not Muslim it is OK for them to lie,cheat,steal,and kill you if you are an infidel who refuses to convert.l blow my cork when I see
the political correctness of todays society afraid to call it as it is,and too afraid to offend someone,someone who wants you and your whole family dead.If the Islamic world had the nuclear capability that we have,the US and Israel would be 10,000 degrees right now.The Palestinians,and especially HAMAS are the" worker bee thugs" of the Islamic world .Iran,Syria,Saudi Arabia etc hate the Western world,and especially Israel and use the Palestinians to constantly attack Israel and everytime their is major chaos or Iran starts sword rattling,the price of oil spikes up.I would make a solid bet that the current situation in Israel is a tactic of Iran to spike the price of oil,since that is their main source of income,and with the recent nose dive in the price of oil,they are trying to stir the pot to spike the price of oil,but thank God it has not dramatically affected the price of oil yet..I hope Israel cleans house ,and then sends a bomber squadron over to Iran to nuke their nuclear facilities,and show the rest of the Islamic world to not F$#% with Israel or the Western world.
I used to own a couple of tractor trailers back in the early eighties,and deliver into the 5 boros of NYC for a major supermarket companie.I used to deliver to a chain of supermarkets owned by Palestinians,and let me tell you these guys were arrogant lieing pieces if S%$T! The main owner sent all his money back to Palestine,This guy owned 11 supermarkets and drove a 79 ford bronco.It was like going to war everytime you delivered to these stores.They would always try to short you when you unloaded the truck and started counting the cases.They would take the expensive cases and hide them in the basement and say they never got them and want you to credit their bill for cases they were hiding.They would many times be on COD because they wrote bad checks,and would tell you they had a certified check
or money order in the office,and when you unloaded the truck they didn't have them,and they would try to get you to leave a whole tractor trailer load
of groceries without getting paid.We could not leave without getting paid from these stores or we would be responsible for them if they did not pay.I can't tell you how many times I had to make them show me the cash,if they did not have the certified check,and I would be picking up $25,000 or $30,000
in cash in Brooklyn by myself at 11 o'clock at night,after arguing with some clown that he was not getting his delivery unless I was paid upfront..I was in Queens the first time they bombed the world trade center in the early 90's,and the Palestinians at the store I was at were like kids on Christmas day they were so happy that the Trade Center was bombed by Islamic terrorists.On 9/11/01
there were Palestinians in Paterson NJ dancing in the streets the day the OUR
country was attacked.Please don't believe the bull$hit they spout when the cameras are on them,especially after 911,that they love this country,and their allegiance is to this country.They are only here to make money,and they hate your guts,they may smile if you are handing them money,but there is a hateful snarl behind the smile ,because to them you are a stupid infidel! Please don't think that I am some type of racist bigot,I am nothing of the sort,but I have first hand experience dealing with these people,and study what goes on in the world,and it eats me up when I see the UN or other countries that hate the US and Israel try to tie Israels or the United States hands when we are just trying to protect ourselves or our allies around the world.Sorry about the long rant,just wanted to add my .02.
I agree Israel has to clean house!!! The only thing those hateful,jealous,angry, Islamic cave men know is force and fear,when you try to negotiate it shows a sign of weakness that they will try to exploit by any means necessary.If you are not Muslim it is OK for them to lie,cheat,steal,and kill you if you are an infidel who refuses to convert.l blow my cork when I see
the political correctness of todays society afraid to call it as it is,and too afraid to offend someone,someone who wants you and your whole family dead.If the Islamic world had the nuclear capability that we have,the US and Israel would be 10,000 degrees right now.The Palestinians,and especially HAMAS are the" worker bee thugs" of the Islamic world .Iran,Syria,Saudi Arabia etc hate the Western world,and especially Israel and use the Palestinians to constantly attack Israel and everytime their is major chaos or Iran starts sword rattling,the price of oil spikes up.I would make a solid bet that the current situation in Israel is a tactic of Iran to spike the price of oil,since that is their main source of income,and with the recent nose dive in the price of oil,they are trying to stir the pot to spike the price of oil,but thank God it has not dramatically affected the price of oil yet..I hope Israel cleans house ,and then sends a bomber squadron over to Iran to nuke their nuclear facilities,and show the rest of the Islamic world to not F$#% with Israel or the Western world.
I used to own a couple of tractor trailers back in the early eighties,and deliver into the 5 boros of NYC for a major supermarket companie.I used to deliver to a chain of supermarkets owned by Palestinians,and let me tell you these guys were arrogant lieing pieces if S%$T! The main owner sent all his money back to Palestine,This guy owned 11 supermarkets and drove a 79 ford bronco.It was like going to war everytime you delivered to these stores.They would always try to short you when you unloaded the truck and started counting the cases.They would take the expensive cases and hide them in the basement and say they never got them and want you to credit their bill for cases they were hiding.They would many times be on COD because they wrote bad checks,and would tell you they had a certified check
or money order in the office,and when you unloaded the truck they didn't have them,and they would try to get you to leave a whole tractor trailer load
of groceries without getting paid.We could not leave without getting paid from these stores or we would be responsible for them if they did not pay.I can't tell you how many times I had to make them show me the cash,if they did not have the certified check,and I would be picking up $25,000 or $30,000
in cash in Brooklyn by myself at 11 o'clock at night,after arguing with some clown that he was not getting his delivery unless I was paid upfront..I was in Queens the first time they bombed the world trade center in the early 90's,and the Palestinians at the store I was at were like kids on Christmas day they were so happy that the Trade Center was bombed by Islamic terrorists.On 9/11/01
there were Palestinians in Paterson NJ dancing in the streets the day the OUR
country was attacked.Please don't believe the bull$hit they spout when the cameras are on them,especially after 911,that they love this country,and their allegiance is to this country.They are only here to make money,and they hate your guts,they may smile if you are handing them money,but there is a hateful snarl behind the smile ,because to them you are a stupid infidel! Please don't think that I am some type of racist bigot,I am nothing of the sort,but I have first hand experience dealing with these people,and study what goes on in the world,and it eats me up when I see the UN or other countries that hate the US and Israel try to tie Israels or the United States hands when we are just trying to protect ourselves or our allies around the world.Sorry about the long rant,just wanted to add my .02.

Hey Jim, sounds like we have alot in common, including the trucking. I had a few Semi's and we delivered all over the 5 boro's.

We did alot of KEY FOOD's in Brooklyn, and every where else in the city..I also ran there in the 80's, small world..I know what you mean about the COD's we were in the same boat.
I agree Israel has to clean house!!! The only thing those hateful,jealous,angry, Islamic cave men know is force and fear,when you try to negotiate it shows a sign of weakness that they will try to exploit by any means necessary.If you are not Muslim it is OK for them to lie,cheat,steal,and kill you if you are an infidel who refuses to convert.l blow my cork when I see
the political correctness of todays society afraid to call it as it is,and too afraid to offend someone,someone who wants you and your whole family dead..

You have just made a lot of good points. This is all the stuff the media covers up. The mainstream media has made it clear in interviews with some of the top newscasters that they feel they got "more than they deserved in life because they were born "white americans". That mentality lends itself to their belief that "we can help these people if we just understand them more and humble ourselves to show our disdain and sincere apologies for being born "white americans".

Unfortunately they, the elite, are the chink in our national armor. They are the ones who have kept the war going by providing hope for the enemy. They are the "Hanoi Janes" of 2008.

The enemy is just waiting for 1969 all over again so they can take over the way our enemy did in Viet Nam after we as a nation threw up the white flag.

I hate to say it, but we have but just a few more days till 1969. They will be dancing in the streets again just like on 9/11.

You can't put out the hand of friendship to a snake. He has no hands.
The worst part is they are funded by IRAN and IRAN almost has Nukes and do you think for one Minute that they won't give them to these POS to use so they don't have too? I see bad things coming and you wonder why Israel wants to take out their so called Power Plant, it's for SURVIVAL. No matter how much they give them for peace it won't work, Not in this LIFE TIME.
Exactly, thats why we need an end to this...Ask the Japanese they know what I'm talking about..

This could all end with one stealth visit in the middle of the night...Then we will go in and re-build everything as we always do..:confused:

My thoughts exactly...
Hey Jim, sounds like we have alot in common, including the trucking. I had a few Semi's and we delivered all over the 5 boro's.

We did alot of KEY FOOD's in Brooklyn, and every where else in the city..I also ran there in the 80's, small world..I know what you mean about the COD's we were in the same boat.

That's funny Nick! I used to be a house truck for General Trading in Jersey they are a pretty big supermarket company.Did you haul for White Rose? They are also pretty big.I used to deliver to a lot of Fine Fare's and Trade Fare's (the POS Palestinian stores),and a lot of independent stores too.I really never had problems with any other Nationalities other than the Palestinians.The Dominicans,Koreans,Jewish stores etc were all ok.When you delivered to the Arab stores you had to have your Game Face on and be on top of your game because they were going to try and F@#$ YOU any way they could,it was just their nature.It's the same way in the Middle East,they talk out of both sides of their mouth that they want peace,but they just see
negotiation as a sign of weakness to stick a knife in your back.I hope Israel
cleans their clock,and the US and Israel bomb the S@#T out of Iran. The scary part is The Middle east is pretty easy to take care of Militarily if we had a President and Congress with enough Balls to really do what needs to be done,and an American Media that wasn't a bunch of traitors.The real threat down the road is Russia and China.While we play peace keeper(Where there never will,nor never has been peace) in the Middle East,China and Russia are building up their military and making deals with all our enemies.
Nick,I am still in the city a lot,and the fact that we have not had another 911 is truly a miracle.After 911, NYC had state troopers and city cops posted at the GW Bridge and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels checking trucks and vans.There was a huge presence there.They stopped all trucks from using the lower deck of the GW Bridge(and still do),and were really making an effort to police the Bridges and tunnels checking trucks and vans.Now You don't see any State troopers
at any of them,and you rarely see the NYC cops checking any trucks.Every now and then you will see them stop a box truck and look inside but the security level is nothing like after 911 and the Bridges and tunnels are practically wide open.I work for a company that does trucking and logistics for the trade shows in the city.We do the Jacob Javitz convention center,the piers on the West Side highway,and the major hotels in the city.When there is a trade show at the Jacob Javitz center you will see 40 or 50(approximately) State Trooper cars from all over the State all around the convention center with State Troopers (on overtime) walking around BS'ing with each other trying to look important or hanging out in their cars and not one car checking trucks at the tunnels or bridges,This is insane!What a scam!
If people think the economy is tough now,wait and see if some POS Terrorists
blow up one or all the bridges and tunnels.It truly is crazy the way people have forgot about 911 and just piss and moan about the economy.
You have just made a lot of good points. This is all the stuff the media covers up. The mainstream media has made it clear in interviews with some of the top newscasters that they feel they got "more than they deserved in life because they were born "white americans". That mentality lends itself to their belief that "we can help these people if we just understand them more and humble ourselves to show our disdain and sincere apologies for being born "white americans".

Unfortunately they, the elite, are the chink in our national armor. They are the ones who have kept the war going by providing hope for the enemy. They are the "Hanoi Janes" of 2008.

The enemy is just waiting for 1969 all over again so they can take over the way our enemy did in Viet Nam after we as a nation threw up the white flag.

I hate to say it, but we have but just a few more days till 1969. They will be dancing in the streets again just like on 9/11.

You can't put out the hand of friendship to a snake. He has no hands.

Thanks Tony.I totally agree about the media being anti American,and just wanting to be loved by the rest of the world.They truly are traitors.The Scumbag Islamic terrorists are just waiting for us to leave the Middle East to
ransack Iraq.Look whats going on in Afghanistan with the Taliban.I hope before the new administration gets in Bush has the stones to bomb the SH#T
out of IRAN.
That's funny Nick! I used to be a house truck for General Trading in Jersey they are a pretty big supermarket company.Did you haul for White Rose? They are also pretty big.I used to deliver to a lot of Fine Fare's and Trade Fare's (the POS Palestinian stores),and a lot of independent stores too.I really never had problems with any other Nationalities other than the Palestinians.The Dominicans,Koreans,Jewish stores etc were all ok.When you delivered to the Arab stores you had to have your Game Face on and be on top of your game because they were going to try and F@#$ YOU any way they could,it was just their nature.It's the same way in the Middle East,they talk out of both sides of their mouth that they want peace,but they just see
negotiation as a sign of weakness to stick a knife in your back.I hope Israel
cleans their clock,and the US and Israel bomb the S@#T out of Iran. The scary part is The Middle east is pretty easy to take care of Militarily if we had a President and Congress with enough Balls to really do what needs to be done,and an American Media that wasn't a bunch of traitors.The real threat down the road is Russia and China.While we play peace keeper(Where there never will,nor never has been peace) in the Middle East,China and Russia are building up their military and making deals with all our enemies.
Nick,I am still in the city a lot,and the fact that we have not had another 911 is truly a miracle.After 911, NYC had state troopers and city cops posted at the GW Bridge and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels checking trucks and vans.There was a huge presence there.They stopped all trucks from using the lower deck of the GW Bridge(and still do),and were really making an effort to police the Bridges and tunnels checking trucks and vans.Now You don't see any State troopers
at any of them,and you rarely see the NYC cops checking any trucks.Every now and then you will see them stop a box truck and look inside but the security level is nothing like after 911 and the Bridges and tunnels are practically wide open.I work for a company that does trucking and logistics for the trade shows in the city.We do the Jacob Javitz convention center,the piers on the West Side highway,and the major hotels in the city.When there is a trade show at the Jacob Javitz center you will see 40 or 50(approximately) State Trooper cars from all over the State all around the convention center with State Troopers (on overtime) walking around BS'ing with each other trying to look important or hanging out in their cars and not one car checking trucks at the tunnels or bridges,This is insane!What a scam!
If people think the economy is tough now,wait and see if some POS Terrorists
blow up one or all the bridges and tunnels.It truly is crazy the way people have forgot about 911 and just piss and moan about the economy.

I was an O/OP and i had one dedicated semi out of North Bergan NJ for Davis Grande, and I hauled for Consolidated freight out of Long Island with another truck.

We also carried alot of cash, they tried robbing me in the Bronx, but got a little more than they bargained for...They arrested me and i was released the next day. I was one of a few permits in the city for concealed carry due to the fact that like you we carried alot of cash on COD's.

I had pit bull's in the cab and one in the trailer to keep the scum bags away, but some still will try!! I sold my trucking company in late 1992 and packed everything up and moved down to FL. I still go back to see family, hell i just got back from 5 days in Manhattan..