GM paid back it's loan! .....Or did they?

When I first heard the GM ad I wondered how they could have made enough money in the past few months to pay off the loan when cars aren't selling. At least around here. Especially when they lost money when cars were selling. What a bunch of crap.

Guess who's paying for the ads to make this false claim?
Today somebody is suing their butts for deceptive advertising. Every person who bought a GM vehicle after that advertisement should sue for half their money back.

What kind of morals must the executives at GM have if they are willing to lie to America's face like that?

And where was the Obama administration who KNEW this was an outright deception? Why didn't they IMMEDIATELY straighten this out?

Where was the media? I'm just a casual reader of the news, but even I knew it was BS since just 2-3 weeks prior GM had thrown hints that they might need another loan soon because they were losing BILLIONS!!!!!!

Why isn't this all over the news?
Imagine the rigs I could build with 49 billion dollars. Sorry guys, but...... you'd all be cleaning for MVPOBAMA Powercleaning! ;-)