Glen Beck

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Did you happen to catch Glenn Beck's show a couple days ago? He had a graph up
that showed past presidents and the percentage of each president's cabinet
appointees who had previously worked in the private sector. You know a real
life business, not a government job? Remember what that is? A private

*Roosevelt - 38%*
*Taft - 40%*
*Wilson - 52%*
*Harding - 49%*
*Coolidge - 48%*
*Hoover - 42%*
*FDR - 50%*
*Truman - 50%*
*Eisenhower - 57%*
*Kennedy - 30%*
*LBJ - 47%*
*Nixon - 53%*
*Ford - 42%*
*Carter - 32%*
*Reagan - 56%*
*GHWB - 51%*
*Clinton - 39%*
*GWB - 55%*

*And the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner is.........................*

*Obama - 8%*

*YEP, EIGHT PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!! And these are the guys holding a "job
summit" this week? This ought to go really well!!!! I'm gonna go out on a
limb here, I know, but I'm gonna go ahead and predict.... WE'RE SCREWED!!!!!