Get ready to strap a meter on you PW exhaust

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
We are business owners. By our nature we are greedy, bad, evil and want to pollute everything. We hate employees and would work them 23 hrs a day and pay them nothing if only the government weren't there to protect them.

Get ready to pay to work. Look up this post in 5 years. YOU WILL PAY if morons like this continue to run our government. It's coming. Exhaust meters and monthly inspections.
That is a shame, hope it never comes to that.
Once again it should be up to the states. The feds and Pelosi(Evil Witch) are so left and crazy.. this global warming hoax is so dumb.... Maybe if they studied history they'd realize we are in another cycle. Al Gore and his cronies are just out to make more money to spend and interfere with our lives more..... Watch out big brother is coming haha they are a joke!!!!!!!!!! Sorry had to vent!
Yes I see it now, Electric Powered Washers, Powered by some type of Fuel to make the electricity and I bet it will make more Green House Gases then gas it self ;)

Clean Coal and Nuke Power will save us, BUT we won't use it and that is SAD<<<<<<Takes to much COMMON SENSE.
Funny you say that Terry guess what one of the most toxic process in modern industry is?
The production of nickle hydride batteries... the ones used in hybrid cars
Also in 4 years guess what will need to be replaced? all those batteries 3-4K a car and then the batteries have to be reprocessed.
I feel good BURNING DIESEL, no need for me to change after all the WORLD IS COOLING NOW :D

I'm sure they will come up with a Government Version of the YUGO for us to wash with LOL I just hope is is RED