Gasoline.. where NOT to buy it !

Sirocco Jerry

Active member
a friend just sent this to me, so I share..

What's going on? Word is getting around !!!!!
Read on:
Have you noticed how the CITGO signs have disappeared in the past 7-8 months?
A very clever move by Chavez.
But guess what, "CITGO" IS CHANGING ITS NAME, too.
This is serious, Americans,
...make sure you read this very carefully.
> NEWS FLASH: Chavez is NOW getting a Russian Weapons Factory built by Putin.
The RUSSIANS are building an AK-47 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle factory in Venezuela, to give armament support to Communist Rebel groups throughout the Americas.
Chavez NOW has IRANIANS operating his oil refineries in Venezuela for him. It is likely only a matter of time, if not already, before Chavez has Iranian built LONG RANGE missiles, with a variety of warhead types aimed at:
> Guess Who?
CITGO is NOW in the process of Changing Its Name to "PETRO EXPRESS" due to the loss of gasoline sales in the USA ...due to the recent publicity of
ownership by Chavez of Venezuela.
Every dollar you spend with ''CITGO" or "PETRO EXPRESS" gasoline will be used against you, your basic human rights, and your freedoms.
He will start wars here in the Americas that will probably be the death of millions.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because Chavez is starting to feel the loss of revenue from his holdings. HE OWNS "CITGO". This is a very important move that everyone should be aware of.
I will get a friend to tow me or walk before I hit a citgo on fuel at least...Will not even capitalize their name lol. I showed them :woot:
Here's the problem I have about Citgo: My brother-in-law works at one. His boss, an American, signed a 10 year contract before anyone knew who really owned Citgo and all the troubles behind that. Now that everyone is boycotting Citgo, an American business man is losing his business. He's still got about 4 years on his contract. It is difficult for me as an American citizen to decide what to do about this issue. Is Citgo really feeling the hurt, or is it the American business owner who runs a Citgo station the one being punished for making a bad decision? Hind sight is 20/20 and I can guaratee that when the contract is up they will no longer be a Citgo station. But what do we do in the mean time?

What if "XYZ Pressure Washing Equipment" was a just a brand and then we found out that it was owned by a terrorist (or something like that). Would we support boycotting anyone who owned and did business with that equipment? This is something to really think about.

Just my .02 :)
While I'm totally behind what Jerry says, I think Nichole makes an interesting point that I too struggle with. I've always believed "Buy American", but who does that really serve "the people" or the government and specific groups. Take foreign cars for example: The gov't made money on the intital tarriff, & on the tax when it was sold. The gov't took the "peoples" money and bailed out GM, which was not supported by the majority of Americans. My point is, if we are allowing these products to be sold in the United States, by foreign owned entities, is it really the responsibility of the "people" to discriminate, or should that decision be made long before it becomes "our" responsibility to do the "right thing"?
I was just getting ready to post the same link Russ has. Read it before you go and jump off a cliff and damage someone that does not necessarily deserved to be damaged.
Here's the problem I have about Citgo: My brother-in-law works at one. His boss, an American, signed a 10 year contract before anyone knew who really owned Citgo and all the troubles behind that. Now that everyone is boycotting Citgo, an American business man is losing his business. He's still got about 4 years on his contract. It is difficult for me as an American citizen to decide what to do about this issue. Is Citgo really feeling the hurt, or is it the American business owner who runs a Citgo station the one being punished for making a bad decision? Hind sight is 20/20 and I can guaratee that when the contract is up they will no longer be a Citgo station. But what do we do in the mean time?

What if "XYZ Pressure Washing Equipment" was a just a brand and then we found out that it was owned by a terrorist (or something like that). Would we support boycotting anyone who owned and did business with that equipment? This is something to really think about.

Just my .02 :)

This is easy and if it reguires more thinking, then we are losing the fight!
Our country and our way of life is despised by the likes of hugo chavez because we are exceptional! We are the exception to the rule of dictators like him. We are the few that still govern ourselves.....barely! It is a constant battle to stay free....chavez is our enemy!!!!!

I will not knowingly support those that support dictators like hugo chavez........PERIOD!! Whether it is an American gas station owner or anyone else! This is not a perfect position of mine but in citco's is an easy one!
Bottomline.....TOO BAD!
I am not a "buy American 1st" person.
This is where our enemies are smarter than we are. They use ourselves and our way of life and our persuit of a better life to defeat us and our way of life. To imprison ourselves bit by bit! There are many ways to make money. Anyone working for hugo chavez made a bad with it! Find something else to do. This IS America....for a bit longer!
Think about it!
RIGHT On !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't buy from criminals,
Don't do business with ANYONE that supports a criminal. period

Dude made a bad business decision...
now, he needs to stand up like a man, and brush it off, the rest of us.
Interesting logic. So that means that if you have ever serviced someone with a record, no one should use you? That being the case, that means that you should not be participating on this board, because we have people that have committed felonies on this board, even though they served their time?
We can take it even further. Most oil companies do business with Arab dictators, of one sort or another. Many of these dictators are as intent, if not more so, and far more capable' then Chavez of hurting the United States. Does that mean you are going to locate a purely US source for fuel?
I am not trying to start an argument, but, it is easy to paint with a broad brush and ruin the reputation of someone else due to unfounded bias. Be careful where you tread, because often places that are painted with a broad stripe like this are just the flavor of the day, with little real basis of fact.
Yah sure..
I was talkin' active criminals.
"stand up like a man, and brush it off, the rest of us"
is the part where we "take ownership" for our mistakes,
stop any perpetuating mistakes, and "move forward".
"dust them off", means believing history doesn't have to repeat itself.

I don't have any problem having faith in people.
I give people 2nd chances all the time.
Maybe I gan get the gas-station owners to all become reclaim system dealers !:rotflmao1:

but seriously, and since you asked.. I prefer to buy
from Americans, or at least our allies.
I prefer to buy locally,
from small business,
from family-run business,
where friends or family work,
from my customers' friends and family,
from the handicapped,
and whenever it can help children..
Saturday, I stopped at a kid's Lemonade stand..
I had my 13 year-old give a dollar for a 25cent cup,
just to show her the affect it has on their faces..
every time.
Helping and inspiring customers to grow is my favorite part of my work.

I didn't intent for my last post to deliver as "confrontational"..
(I do have to admit, I am "intolerant of the unreasonable".)
I'm just saying we need to work within sustainable ethics,
fix what needs to be fixed, and move forward.
..including getting America to produce it's own energy.
In case a lot of you don't know, when the refineries make the gas, diesel and jet fuel they sell it in bulk at their truck loading racks besides selling it by barge and ship to everyone out there, especially traders trying to make a profit.

At the refinery that I worked at we had additive tanks for all the major brands so whatever customer was buying at the time, that customer's additive was automatically pumped into the truck with the gas or diesel.

Just because Citgo has their name on the station does not mean that all that gas and diesel came from their refinery, chances are good that only some comes from their refinery where a lot of the rest comes from the other major brands.

Even if you shop across the street, there is a good chance that you could be buying Citgo, Exxon, Shell, etc...... too hard to know these days unless you followed the truck from where it loaded up and see where it is delivered to.

I am not trying to take sides here, just letting you know that by boycotting the mom and pop locations is just hurting them, not really hurting the big company that much as you never know where the fuel is really going to from the refinery or if you are buying their brand at a non-citgo gas station.

I am sure that there are other things that can be done.

Have a nice day.
Just curious...And not wanting to stir the pot anymore...but would anyone then take a pressure washing job from a Citgo?
You know, it is funny, but as ong as I am doing something legal and ethical, I don't care where my money comes from. I have only done one job, ever, that was legal and ethical that I did not feel comfortable doing, and it was only because I was subbing for a guy. I never did it again. If I won't walk into a place of business, I should not be washing there.
Interesting logic. So that means that if you have ever serviced someone with a record, no one should use you? That being the case, that means that you should not be participating on this board, because we have people that have committed felonies on this board, even though they served their time?
We can take it even further. Most oil companies do business with Arab dictators, of one sort or another. Many of these dictators are as intent, if not more so, and far more capable' then Chavez of hurting the United States. Does that mean you are going to locate a purely US source for fuel?
I am not trying to start an argument, but, it is easy to paint with a broad brush and ruin the reputation of someone else due to unfounded bias. Be careful where you tread, because often places that are painted with a broad stripe like this are just the flavor of the day, with little real basis of fact.

Those are the typical arguements of a not judge.
We have many alliances that are not perfect and Obama wants us to be more dependant on foreign sources of oil. More dependant on those less than perfect alliances. But that is another issue!!!
We have to pick the fights we can win....and WIN THEM!!

As I the case of chavez....this is an easy one. Do not buy from Citgo..period! We already get too much of our oil from him and he can easily use that as a lever to divide us!
Just curious...And not wanting to stir the pot anymore...but would anyone then take a pressure washing job from a Citgo?

Answer...Yes! Might even charge more for spite!

Put that another way. Would you take assets (money) from your enemies?
It is not the same as GIVING them our money thru purchases which has obvious benefits for them!
Just as they gladly takes OUR assets (money)...I would take theirs! THAT makes me stronger!
Bottomline...take care of our friends (allies) and bury our enemies. In business we can take liberties, as we do on these forumns, to help our competitors for the greater good. We cannot do the same with our freedoms on the world stage.........we have already done to much of that!
A friend of mine, and a fellow NASCAR fan, hates the fact that Toyota is allowed to compete. I have to keep reminding him that the Camry is the only car built in the USA. Fusions come from Mexico, and our neighbors to the north build the Impala.

The toys built right there in KY..LOL
I will keep Supporting terrorist, we support them everyday. We buy everything from other places and can't fix it now.

We are doomed!!!

I see central america as the next hot spot in the world, called that one five years ago.

Not going to make me stop buying citgo gas or any other foreign fuels. They are all bad, we shouldnt buy into all this BS.

Goverment propaganda!!!! its all a BS

Hows that for my politics!!