Gas Staion Canopy?


Active member
While filling up today at my local GIANT gas station,..I was asked about washing the underside of the canopy. Basic mold and bug crap. Cleaning isn't my concern,.. But, the runoff goes into a city drain. They said the guy from Philadelphia who does the concrete just lets the waste water go into the drain,.. Now,..I couldn't care less about this job as to whether I get it or not,..not interested in getting more of this type of work. But if I consider doing it, do I have to collect or divert the runoff away from the city drain? If I can't just wash and rinse I will be turning it down. The concrete guy from Philly didn't want to do the canopy cleaning

I'm in Pennsylvania.

This is a tough one... I got a call this week to do a job where they want me to clean bits and pieces of an apartment complex on a busy street, and they wanted me to reclaim the water... I thought to my self how much of a PITA it would be to reclaim water as it misted off onto the ground, going any which way it pleases...

With that being said, I gracefully bowed out and told him good luck with that lol

You could just seal that particular drain though?
Hey Luis, yea,.sealing the drain may be an option,..and it wouldn't require that much extra effort. I just don't want a headache Ha,Ha,... Not sure how much water is even going to make it to the drain. But I do know that the water I spray up is also going to be coming down,..along with a alot of debris that will need whisked off the concrete. I plan on looking closer at it tomorrow. I'll probably just walk.

Yeah, I wouldn't walk if it paid though. MONEY TALKS!!

This other one really didn't pay, and there were MULTIPLE areas to plug and reclaim. I said to hell with that. I can make money more efficiently than put up an entire project management system for a couple of bucks... Eh... My two cents brotha.

Sell him on the value of plugging that drain up and tell him not a lot of contractors are willing to abide by the CWA. Tell him about the potential fines... AND BOOOOM! Fill out a deposit slip and cash your check lol