Funny how gas goes up on spring break

Yeah, I know what you mean. I always use premium and here in Florida, its running about 2.79 a gallon. The working class ALWAYS pays. I with you, it seems that gas prices should be lower than they are right now. I just went from 11hp engines to 13's and instead of getting 3 hours per tank, now I'm getting only 2 hours each. For me, that's a 30% loss! I run two machines at about 9 hours per day. So instead of costing $8.25 in gas per machine, its costing me $11. Multiplied by 6 days a week, times 50 weeks a year and I'm spending $3300 per year instead of $2475. Aaahh, its only a $825 difference!
Ripped off

North of the border (Canada), we pay the equivelant of $3.90 US for a US gal ($1.04 per ltr.). It went up $0.40 per gal just before March break with some bs excuses as to why. It happens on the Thusdays before long weekends as well all summer long.

Do they do the same to you guys/gals on Holidays as well????