Frightening article from RUSSIA

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Shelly lived among the common people in Russia on a missionary trip over a period of a couple of years from 1992-1994.

Communism was on it's way out at that point in history.

I'm not sure this conversation would have come up between Shelly and me had we not watched a television show about people locked up in Las Vegas jails. We kept noticing that a lot of the people who kept returning to the jail seemed to be most at peace when they were locked up. Some of them even said they couldn't wait to be locked back up because they had no responsibilities and all their needs were taken care of in jail. That concept was very foreign to me.

Shelly casually mentioned that the same sentiment seemed to be prevalent in Russia when she was there.

She said the people liked being taken care of. Even when capitalism was taking root many of them would work for 9-12 months without pay and didn't even care because their basic needs were taken care of.

They didn't even seem to mind that electricity went on and off at the whim of the government as did plumbing and the food supply. They would wait in line for hours for bread, then when it ran out they would come back and wait the next day. They didn't care so much because they knew they would eventually get the bread and no one would starve.

They had become used to all their needs being taken care of by the government and had been conditioned to like it that way.

Shelly's observation is that this concept has made it's way to America in full force. The previous election was decided by the millions who now live off of unemployment that has turned into government sponsorship of those who won't work. The government is doing nothing to increase jobs by cutting taxes and cutting regulations on business, the environment and other areas and have built a class of citizens who are happy to get their bread.

Just the other day thousands were in line for up to two hours to turn in guns for food gift cards.

Russia is becoming what we were and we are becoming what Russia was, both economically and religiously.

It's frightening.
I have heard this from others people before. My grandfather told me that back when I was a 7-8 years ago. It is funny not really. I have taken on employ's only for them to work a week or and then tell me I think I am just going to go back and get my unemployment check. I am only making a couple hundred dollars more anyway. I hate that it take longer than that just to train them.
My grandparents and their kids migrated from Austria but originally from the Hungarian/Romanian border area and I was told they would never go back to that life. They said it was good to visit family but they would not like to live there. I have stories that they told of their life durring the war that would curl your toes. It is true that we are being destroyed from within and I would not discount the possibility of Russia being involved but there are many other countries involved also. The America that I grew up with is getting weaker and weaker all because some of the citizens do not want to hurt someone else's feelings. It really is ok to say NO!

On another note....

In the coming New Year, 2013, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day. This is an ironic juxtaposition of events. One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for prognostication. The other involves a groundhog.