FREE sales seminar

Lou Zehnder

New member
Copied this off PTstate...Ken Fenner posted it.

Some of you may have heard of Phil Rhea (pronounced Ray). This guy is a sales guru in the contractor remodeling world. I have some of his earlier stuff that I have listened to probably a hundred times. To my ears, he sounds like a good ole boy but this guy is the real deal.

How do I put this without making it sound like an imperative... Free your schedule for next Wednesday, June 30th at 2 pm EDT to attend a free webinar he is giving. It will be the best hour and a half you could give yourself to help you close sales. I am not affiliated with this guy or company I just think he is that good.

From my email on closes and argument you can give to:
• We want to think it over.
• We plan to get a few more estimates.
• I'm only interested in the lowest price.
• We'll get back to you.
• We can't afford THAT much, that's too much money!

I know its a mid week, midday thing but if it helps you for the rest of your business life, it may be worth rearranging your schedule.

The link is

This guy might be a good speaker at a RT...... Closing , Door to Door selling, selling the appointment, how to keep selling when people arent buying like they used to, how to train your team........
Just talked to the guy.........really nice guy, sounded like a stand up man. Has lots to offer link to website is

Is he all about facebook , linkin, social media.