Free Phone Directory with reverse lookup

Here is a good site for maps right to your customers door. Just updated for 2002 so has alot of new streets on it. All you have to do is put in the telephone number. Let me know how you like it. Anna ---
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Anna, I put my phone # in and it was about 30 miles off on me. I dont think its to accuate.
I've been using AnyWho for a long time now...........sometimes it works, sometimes not.

There is the same thing at There is a Reverse Lookup function under "People Pages".
Anna,I think thats a great site......let me let you in mine mind for a min'it and let ya see how I think sometimes but NOT altime K.

I watch alot of cowboy moves,you know fast gun and bank rodding,yel bandit,I think I could have made a living back in them there good on days rodding banks,trains,wagon trains and kissing all the redwoman.

Will when I seen all I had to do is type in a phone # I thought WOW fast gum bandit could have a easier time finding ya,that tool in the wrong hands could make a cowboy go bad.Nomatter how far you ran as long as I could get ya # cowboy gone bad,be worse than a redman tracking a whiteman that kissed all the redwoman.

Yel,I know but was watching young guns when I tried the thing,done had bank rodding on my mind.Young guns the old move,no'color,,,think left handed gun comes on tonight,old move,no'color.........alot of bank rodding going on back then, and with that tool it could be a pearl'd handle bad gun for a cowboy gone bad*LOL*...............just useing bank'rodding as a simple,could even whup ???? ifen know # or find them redwoman faster................great site.