free banners

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

I got tired of coming soon
Yeah Ron, put me on the list as well.

Yes, and then!
Horaaeee the days of coming soon has gone
Send your banner artwork to me and it will get posted up there!
It's being worked on!
Keep checking!
Yes, I did. Did you get mine?
Celeste still has them on her 'puter too I think

Thanks Roger. I will see what I can come up with before I pester her about it.
Russ S...yes I think so

Russ J I think Gif only, but I will find out for you.

Everyone if you have a banner 60 x 468 pixels send it to me with a link to your web site in an email and I will forward it to the man that handles all that stuff.
Hey, I do have them, you wouldn't be pestering me - I did also send them to Mike. Geez, I don't have cooties or bite guys (well, not to hard) :)
