Found this link online....

Enviro PW

New member
I cam across this link online the other day. They have small RealPlayer movies on their site also. Kinda corny and professional all at the same time. What do you guys think?

Barry Lambert
Enviro Pressure Wash

click on link or cut & paste in your browser:
Ok I don't want to be an ass but the first sentence under profile doesn't make sense. Also 1 page says up to 15,000 psi and the other says up to 36,000 psi. Yeah Right !!!

Maybe 4000 psi. Try holding a 3/8 or 1/2 inch hose thats whipping out 15000 or 36000 psi and watch yourself fly up intothe sky.. Those folks sure have a story to tell.. LOL
Several years ago we tried using our Waterblaster to clean sidewalks. Our machine puts out 10-12 gpm at 10,000 psi. When you get to a piece of gum put the tip a little closer, stay a little longer, and bam, you've taken a little bit of the concrete. We were using cold water. We also had a hard time keeping up with the water usage!

Now we use around 200 degree, 3000 psi, 8-10 gpm.

Dave Olson

Ps: Here are a couple pictures of our blaster and wands. We use this machine mostly for paint removal.


  • Water Blaster5 sml.jpg
    Water Blaster5 sml.jpg
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  • Water Blaster15 sml.jpg
    Water Blaster15 sml.jpg
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I agree 36,000 psi. That will cut through concrete. For people who don't know about pressure washing. That probably sounds awsome. Its a bunch os bs