Found these two out in a busy street

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Shelly found these two boys and girls. The mostly white one is a boy the mostly black one is a girl. They were filthy and darting out into traffic on a real busy street. They didn't have any collars, chips and hadn't been spayed and neutered. They are between 6 and 9 months old.

We spent the past few days driving around the neighborhood looking for lost dog flyers and checking the lost dog websites and craigslist and haven't seen anything so I think they've found a new home. Chris and Jill are going to take them.

Any ideas what kind of mutts they are?

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One looks like a Bichon mix and the other looks like a poodle and Cocker Spaniel mix. :confused:

I really like Shelly's approach to keeping down the puppy population by trying to get one of them to hump the stuffed animal. I think I know what you and Chris are getting for Christmas this year. Hahahaha! :joyful:
Jim, that is a cool picture below your signature but when I mouse over it, it just turns black and nothing happens. Is it supposed to do that or something else? Just wondering.
What does it matter what they are? They are loved by you guys and thats all that matters.....Good Karma for your family !!!
What does it matter what they are? They are loved by you guys and thats all that matters.....Good Karma for your family !!!

Oh, I just kindof wanted to know what to expect out of them as far as my baby granddaughter goes and how they are going to assimilate with Max and Chalupa (they're all business Chihuahua's and don't go for all that goofy running around stuff)

Each breed has their own quirks. It's ingrained in them.

The white one is g*y. He won't leave Max alone. Last night I heard him offer max a pack of cigarettes for one hit, he told Max "no one will know, everybody's asleep". But Max doesn't go that way and now he has to walk around with his head turned sideways to make sure the rear is clear.

The gray one is one of those girls that likes to hang around with g*y guys. You know the type. How do I know this? I caught HER humping the white one yesterday and now she's trying to hump Max! :yikes:

What breeds of dogs produce this type of behavior? :eek:k:
I caught HER humping the white one yesterday and now she's trying to hump Max! :yikes:

What breeds of dogs produce this type of behavior? :eek:k:

Horny Dog!:victory:
Yes, definately something different about that "breed". hahahahaha
They sound like a couple of dogs Jim would have found in his neighborhood...Maybe it's a cockhimspaniel ?
Wow! I had not laughed that hard or that much in a while, thanks Nick. That was too funny!!! hahahahahahaha

Wow! I had not laughed that hard or that much in a while, thanks Nick. That was too funny!!! hahahahahahaha


I knew Larry would be right behind me :kma: oops I mean next to post!!
I knew Larry would be right behind me :kma: oops I mean next to post!!

Be careful Nick...Ya gotta be very cautious when posting around Mr. Ellis. Hahaha!