Following in dads foot steps


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Back in the day I was a decent baseball players. Even playing a few months in very minor leagues after high school before getting home sick.I turned to to open-A and A division softball when I got home and played competitively into my mid 20's before turning to indsutrial league until my mid 30's.
8yrs ago I was benched with a neck injury an stopped playing for a while.The last few years have been co-ed church league which I very much enjoy.
Today I got this pic of my son Tucker that was taken during a game.He plays for a travel team and is an outstanding utility man.He has more raw talent at 10 than I did at 18 and he carried a .677 batting average this year.
The second pic is 44 yr old dad pawing the dirt on the pitchers mound.


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That softball infield looks a little rough. It looks like the kind of field where you can take a bad hop to the face. I have a bone chip in in my left eye socket from a similar type field when I was 12
That softball infield looks a little rough. It looks like the kind of field where you can take a bad hop to the face. I have a bone chip in in my left eye socket from a similar type field when I was 12

A bad hop gave me broken nose #9 a couple of years ago.I've also taken some pretty bad shots to the shins.

He is an all round athlete.I was an average football player never really liked the game,but this boy loves it.I have seen him throw hits on kids 30lbs heavier and he lays them out.
I try hard to just watch and not breed into him and his sisters the win at all costs attitide I have.My girls both cheer competitively they have big competition Saturday that will be the 1st time I get to see them both on the same squad.sounds silly,but I'm hella excited.
I can't throw anyone out at home from center field anymore,but still hold my own on the infield.9 yrs of building tires wore my shoulders down pretty bad.Angela has been begging me to retire,but I love the game.
My kids didn't play little league this yr. The kids got tired of watching the coaches fight and the parents fight. It was horrible. I used to love to play base ball. I tore my rotator cuff in high school and didn't know what the problem was for 30 years. I played catcher in high school and could cut off a steal at second real well until I damaged the shoulder.

Just let your kids have fun doing what they enjoy. Be happy in their happiness doing what they want. I hate parents that push their kids into what the parents want.

It is nice to see you enjoying their good times. Sorry to mention this, but competitive cheering is something like the second most dangerous sport in high school. Amazing to watch. My niece did it for years. She was a catcher.

I was a catcher from age 5 to 19.My throw down to second base was clocked @85mph one time.

I know the cheerleading is dangerous,but the girls love it and I try to be supportive of their choices.My oldest girl 14 is a base and the younger one 12 is a flyer.Fortunately to date we haven't had any injuries.
Thats awesome...its great to see the little ones get involved.

I played baseball from the time i was 6 until 16...Played football a couple years. wrestled from the 16-18 age. Then to mens softball...we had some great teams. played that a couple years....

Then life began as a rodeo clown....did that for 12 yrs. now im lucky if i can throw a ball 40 mph....haha.

been watching my girlfriends little girl and my nephew both play soccer. only been asked to leave once so its not my sport but hey any time you get a chance to cheer for a kid doing what he/she loves do it. Its rewarding in more ways then one....
Rodeo clown???

Dude that stuff is dangerous. I wanted to try riding a live bull a while back,but the guy said he didn't have one that could hold my weight and still be able to buck.:dance3:
As high strung as I can be I rarely holler at ref's or Ump's while the kids are playing.Now if I'm in the game it's an entirely different story.

Here are the cheerleaders Whitney on the right & Taylor on the left


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I laugh when the girlfriend and I talk. her girl is so cute and all I can think about is how I used to be...LOL. I told her I will have the guns out on her first

Thats too funny about the bull man...I remember some that stood over me standing...haha. I rode bulls for a year. Was thinking of going back to just playing ball when I had the chance to fight them. Back in those days we only had spikes and no real pads. I am sure if I had the pads the guys have now I would have lasted longer...just takes it toll after you feel like you went three rounds with Tyson every night.