Florida vs LSU

17-7 I beat you to it Chris

Yeah, you did bro :)
Check out Tim Tebow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Tebow

This guy BEAT my High School Team out of the State Championship.
He is a Floridian, parents are UF Grads too.
He played at Nease High School.
My team, Armwood High School, could not stop him in the championship. :mad:
I don't usually watch collidge football but this is a good game.

I admit it- I hollered.
That Hester is a machine, huh?
yall boyz gonna lurn ta listn tu ya paw frum up nawth

I tolge yu theyz gonna win

hee hee
that made my brain hurt,
But it was a great game. I only wish I could of saw USC losing to Stanford last night.