floating 24" surface cleaner


New member
I have a 24" ground force surface cleaner with casters. I am wanting to remove the casters and have it float. What do you guys think it would take to make that happen? Maybe 3,000 psi at 12 gpm?
I think that between the 8gpm and 12 gpm that should make it float but the swivel is probably only rated to about 8gpm typically, not sure if that would wear out the swivel or if the swivel would restrict the flow causing it to not float.

Are you wanting it to float because you don't like the castors and don't want to buy another surface cleaner?


You really want a hover type surface cleaner? If you really want it to hover you might have to change out the swivel for one that is rated for that much gpm along with the correct temperature.

Lori at Pressure Washer Products will have a solution for you in a short time if you just want to change around your 24" to get away from the castors (no it is not another set of different castors, this is another idea that is not being done right now but might be a retro-kit soon). PM me if you want more info about this.