Flat Work, Ft Laurderdale

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
This is a 2.5 mile streach we do on Ocean Dr in Ft Laurderdale. And the lines you see in the video is SAND, we are right across the street from the beach and the Atlantic Ocean, so we get alot of sand up on the sidewalks.:eek:

Thats a crap load of sidewalk 2.5miles wow.
Must not be to dirty, you guys walking pretty fast.
Wow, Nick you da man! I've been thinking about this type of work. Who hires you to do the service? Is it city property or part of a private building?
This is a city project that is subed out to me from another company, we have been doing this for them for 2 years now.

It was extremely trashed when we first did it, but it was done every 2 months and now it has been kicked back to every 3 months. It stay's fairly clean now, but in the first couple of cleanings the gum was the big issue.

Kory was there in the begining with this job and he can attest to the massive project this was, and the gum was mind boggling.

Kory is a good man, and i can always count on him to help me out. This was a job that most thought would take a month to do, but we bid it high on price and had it completed in 7 days on the first cleaning.

This was a very hard job to fiqure, but i know how much work we are capable of in a day, and thats how i bid it out. They love us over there now and look forward to our arrival as we clean in front of all the hotels and clubs on the main strip. You guy's have seen many pictures of this job over the 2 years we have been doing it.


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How long you been doing that project Nick

Kory go off his wifes vegaterian diet. he's looking a little bigger than the last time I saw him LOL:D

He eats like a horse all day long..vegetarian my A** :D
hehe me2 Kory, I ate so much..my wife made lasagna homemade sauce etc...

Nick, great project. I can't believe how fast you guys go...
When you guys do this kind of work do you apply chems first? I can see folks crying over smell....but by the looks of it you must? Man he is flying..

Looks like a busy happening part of the town.

We will pre treat the dirty area's with degreeser or put down some Love if needed, but for the most part we use HEAT.
I'm see you have the guy with the surface cleaner going fast, why dont you use a larger surface cleaner and go even faster (if that can be done)? Just a thought of mine.
I'm see you have the guy with the surface cleaner going fast, why dont you use a larger surface cleaner and go even faster (if that can be done)? Just a thought of mine.

We have bigger surface cleaners, but with the amount of obstacles on these walks, a good operator can make better time with a smaller lighter sweeper.

Plus we dont want to get to far ahead of the guys blowing off and burning gum. The smaller sweepers in my opinion clean alot deeper.
Makes sense to me. Did the sig. work
Nope Steve-- sorry guys, trying to get my pic with the name.
Great job Nick!

Are those lights mounted on the trailer?

Are they 110 or 12 volt?

If 12 volt, can you tell me about them? I am thinking of running 12 volts to the trailer if I can find lights that will not kill the battery.

I am tired of messing with the tripod lights, I am thinking about mounting them to the trailer but I have no ladder racks on the trailer. I used to have some removable ladder racks but they rusted away with the salt air and humidity we have here.

Just wondering about those lights you have.


Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Concrete Driveways Sidewalks and Walkways in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Great job Nick!

Are those lights mounted on the trailer?

Are they 110 or 12 volt?

If 12 volt, can you tell me about them? I am thinking of running 12 volts to the trailer if I can find lights that will not kill the battery.

I am tired of messing with the tripod lights, I am thinking about mounting them to the trailer but I have no ladder racks on the trailer. I used to have some removable ladder racks but they rusted away with the salt air and humidity we have here.

Just wondering about those lights you have.


Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Concrete Driveways Sidewalks and Walkways in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p

Those are just old school 500 watt lights from lowes, they work great, i just have them mounted with large Zip Ties to the trailer, simple easy and they have been on there for years, thats pretty good considering all the driving i do!! They are plugged into my generator and come on as soon as i start it up to run the Burners...