Fittings going bad?


New member
I noticed lately when I turn the heat up high (210 or more), the fittings where two hoses connect, and where the pump hose connects to the hose reel, are both leaking (steam and dripping). Is this normal, or do I need to replace them?:help:
Get an O-Ring pick from one of the suppliers (the same like the dentists use) and get some more O-rings.

The Viton (Brown) are rated for chemical and higher heat but I really do not like them, I have great luck with the regular black Buna O-Rings.

The shop where I park the Bucket Truck at had a hot water pressure washer and when the O-Rings would go out, the sales guy for Landa would sell them new fittings for a couple years. When they asked me about it I put in a new O-Ring in the coupler for them and the guy called up the Landa salesperson and cussed him out big time. It was very funny!

I find it hard to believe that the dealer would do something like that but that Landa dealer was trying to sell me a piece of junk machine when I was first getting started and it was way over priced.

Always keep some O-Rings with you all the time. I know a guy that had an O-Ring go bad on a job starting Friday nite and he does not believe in keeping spare parts on hand as he knows the owner of the local shop and can get anything at any time. The owner was out of town and the guy had to wait until Monday morning to get a $0.10 O-Ring to re-start the job. Wow.
If you use it it will break...if it never breaks your not using it enough:ignore:

Keep spare everything....that's my motto.
I always keep a lil square tackle box (10 x 14) with lots of O-rings 1/4 & 3/8,2 Water chucks, lots of couplings M/F, plugs,all sizes, Nozzles,for surface cleaners/wands,3 in 1 oil pen,a few picks,teff. tape, locktite, a cap get the point. if you are gonna turn up the heat dont be lazy change out your o-rings. Its cheaper that the hospital bill. I had a bad experience by being lazy blew the o-ring and coupling off the gun and lucky for me i was wearing a good rain suit and just blistered up a lil on my back.Make sure your hoses are rated for the heat too.
If you are in a bind you can find O rings at Home Depot or Lowes
Hey Mark, Dale showed me the stencil he made you. It turned out nice. I think he is shipping it today.
I always keep a lil square tackle box (10 x 14) with lots of O-rings 1/4 & 3/8,2 Water chucks, lots of couplings M/F, plugs,all sizes, Nozzles,for surface cleaners/wands,3 in 1 oil pen,a few picks,teff. tape, locktite, a cap get the point. if you are gonna turn up the heat dont be lazy change out your o-rings. Its cheaper that the hospital bill. I had a bad experience by being lazy blew the o-ring and coupling off the gun and lucky for me i was wearing a good rain suit and just blistered up a lil on my back.Make sure your hoses are rated for the heat too.
Thanks Joe, I need to get together a spare parts collection.