First Roof Today!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Did my first roof today:) . We used the "cider" recipe (thanks chris tucker), the fumes were not as bad as I expected. Pretty steep roof, an 8 I think but I did the no-no and put a "little" extra ajax in it, mixed on site, kept my cap off and it stayed in place very well. Used them chem bandit for application and rinse(thanks chris in corpus scott in houston for the advice)
I have been advertising for a week now (door hangers) and I made the name of business at the top mistake, I think I walked about 10 miles last week putting them out. But I guess I need the exercise because today while on the roof the neighborhood kids kept coming over to see why santa was here early:) .
I am very thankful for this forum, I read it every day and have picked up everything solely from this board, thanks. I was going to try to "part time" roof cleaning until later this summer after some traning. But after 19 years with the same company I was part of a cut back (meaning I "no habla espanol") , sucks. But I did a house wash yesterday and the roof today and loved it, took great pictures but too big to upload, More door hangers tomorrow! Thanks guys, Scott Rackley
great Job Scott! Sounds like you're on the right track and doing things the right way. Be careful with the kids coming around though, the first time one of them inhales a bit of the cider....:eek: :confused: :( :mad:

If you need any advise, or help on anything, be sure and let me know.
Apple Cider RULES, LOL
I KNOW the excitement of doing your FIRST job, and realizing you dont have to be a slave to anyone, anymore!
I LIVE for posts like yours, thank you very much for allowing me to help you!

Oh, I forgot to add, there is no such thing as "too much Ajax".
Back when I ran Roller Pumps, the people at HYPRO TOLD me to "put a little dish soap in the mix" for LUBRICATION .
They told me farmers do this all the time.

There is nothing "sacred" about Ajax in Apple Cider.
The REASON we use Ajax in it is this.
Of ALL Dish Soaps, Ajax contains the highest percentage of Ethanol.

The US Patent that Apple Cider is loosely based on calls for addition of an alcohol.
Isopropyl is the suggested Alcohol, but Ethanol is acceptable as well.

Dawn Dish Soap does not contain as much Ethanol as Ajax, but it's surfactant is superior.

BOTH Dawn and Ajax may be used.

On a steep roof, Dawn is better because it's surfactant gives better cling.

On a regular roof, Ajax is superior because it contains more Alcohol.
Sounds like everything worked out good for you.

There are plenty of tools out there to shrink your pictures, do a search and install it.

That way you can email them (when they are shrunk) and that will also help with your advertising, showing the before and after pics in emails to those you know.
Did my first roof today:) . We used the "cider" recipe (thanks chris tucker), the fumes were not as bad as I expected. Pretty steep roof, an 8 I think but I did the no-no and put a "little" extra ajax in it, mixed on site, kept my cap off and it stayed in place very well. Used them chem bandit for application and rinse(thanks chris in corpus scott in houston for the advice)
I have been advertising for a week now (door hangers) and I made the name of business at the top mistake, I think I walked about 10 miles last week putting them out. But I guess I need the exercise because today while on the roof the neighborhood kids kept coming over to see why santa was here early:) .
I am very thankful for this forum, I read it every day and have picked up everything solely from this board, thanks. I was going to try to "part time" roof cleaning until later this summer after some traning. But after 19 years with the same company I was part of a cut back (meaning I "no habla espanol") , sucks. But I did a house wash yesterday and the roof today and loved it, took great pictures but too big to upload, More door hangers tomorrow! Thanks guys, Scott Rackley

Hows things Going Scott?