First promo video - No presssure roof cleaning

Scott D.

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Let me know what you think?
Ok, here is MY opinion.
The video is good, and I advocate showing as many before and afters as you can.
Even show the prep work, but NOT the actual process.
It is my belief that showing the actual process devalues the service.
It LOOKS easy, and it is if you know what you are doing.
But if we show how EASY it is, it is hard to justify a decent price.
So, as you get more before and afters, I would replace the actual process video.
I liked it promo!!
I agree with Chris. The process looks so easy I am sure I can do it myself and not call anyone to do it for me. Of course that is if I didn't have my own business and depended on others to clean my house for me. More before and afters and leave the actual cleaning to their imagination. Well done! Hugh
Now that you guys are saying it, it does seem kind of silly to have it in there. When I was making it, im like "wow this is really gonna show them how "non damaging" it is to their roofs." Now im like "crap, look how damaging it is to my business!!" lol..Thank for the input guys.
Now that you guys are saying it, it does seem kind of silly to have it in there. When I was making it, im like "wow this is really gonna show them how "non damaging" it is to their roofs." Now im like "crap, look how damaging it is to my business!!" lol..Thank for the input guys.

Well I liked it maybe because, I do want see how its done, would like to see it person as well, still trying to convince myself!
I was the same way...I kept reading about this "non pressure cleaning" and kept saying these guys are full of crap!! then found these blogs, some people convinced me it would work. So I ponied up the coin, bought the tank, pumps, hoses, chems, etc...and was completely blown away the first time we used it. Luckily, the first house we tested on was one that I underbid, by not going to it first (not a good idea by the way), and it would have taken me 2 days to complete with the "water broom" system, and we finished in 5-6 hours, and it looked better!!

You can't imagine how it felt for something to have actually worked like it's supposed to!! However since then, we've busted the pump, fudged up the chem mixtures, etc, making it more difficult, but they have all been my mistakes, and when we do have everything perfect it works like a charm! lol
You are doing just fine Scott, and I am proud of you!
You havee taken what myself and others have given and run with it at full speed.
I KNOW you meant well with the video, and wanted to show everyone you can do it.
Before and afters show that, and like Hugh says, do not show the customer how easy it is.
You always wanna keep some mystery in it.
Good Job!
hey hey, we like the music!!! :eek: lol...There not much music out there that is upbeat and can be synced with videos....ill have a commercial video coming soon, with voice overs and stuff. Thinking about doing a TV commercial. I can get one done for under a grand, then pay by the month to air it a certain amount of times.

good idea, bad idea??
hey hey, we like the music!!! :eek: lol...There not much music out there that is upbeat and can be synced with videos....ill have a commercial video coming soon, with voice overs and stuff. Thinking about doing a TV commercial. I can get one done for under a grand, then pay by the month to air it a certain amount of times.

good idea, bad idea??
Too expensive, but I did advertise on Sports Radio station when the Local College team was winning.
Did real well, made a lot of lasting contacts.
LOTS of big shots are sports addicts.
I would say remove the actual cleaning process but for a different reason.

I gather from your previous posts that you are using Chlorinated Tri Sodium Phosphate,which is a highly toxic and dangerous mix.

The concentrations recomended on this and other boards are NOT approved or suggested by the Asphalt Roofing Manufactures Association (ARMA)

In the video you have absolutely no protective gear of any kind. No repirators, proctective chlothing, gloves,, eye ware, boots, just nothing.

Chlorinated TSP is toxic to the touch, inhalation and eyes. The MSDS sheet on TSP reads "avoid all contact"

It can cause Pulmanary Odema, eye damage skin damage
and a whole plethara of things you don't want to get.

Did you warn your customer and employee of the dangers involved with this mix?

Read the MSDS sheets that come with the products you're using and do a little research on the net in how to protect yourself or for less harmful chemicals
I would say remove the actual cleaning process but for a different reason.

I gather from your previous posts that you are using Chlorinated Tri Sodium Phosphate,which is a highly toxic and dangerous mix.

The concentrations recomended on this and other boards are NOT approved or suggested by the Asphalt Roofing Manufactures Association (ARMA)

In the video you have absolutely no protective gear of any kind. No repirators, proctective chlothing, gloves,, eye ware, boots, just nothing.

Chlorinated TSP is toxic to the touch, inhalation and eyes. The MSDS sheet on TSP reads "avoid all contact"

It can cause Pulmanary Odema, eye damage skin damage
and a whole plethara of things you don't want to get.

Did you warn your customer and employee of the dangers involved with this mix?

Read the MSDS sheets that come with the products you're using and do a little research on the net in how to protect yourself or for less harmful chemicals

I appreciate the advise. And since this video was shot, I have taken your advise and gotten respirators, gloves, etc, and do notice a big difference. So thank you.

However, please read this bulletin posted on the A.R.M.A website.

It does give a mix example but also says it may vary from roof to roof. We do have a requirment that customers are not allowed to be home during our cleaning, to avoid having them come in contact directly, and it is on our estimate sheet what chemicals we use.

If you find something I am wrong about please let me know. Thank you.
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Glas to hear you got protective gear. Everytime I see someone working without it I cringe and imagine the damage they are doing to their bodies.

The ARMA bulletin you reffer to lists the strongest solution of SH and TSP as 2.5 gallons BLEACH (5% SH) and 1 cup TSP to 5 gallons water. This will yield a 2.5% Sh solution and 1 cp TSP per 5 gallons. Borax is not recomended.

The WEAKEST recipe for roof cleaning solutions I have seen posted here is 4% Sh and 2.5 cups TSP per 5 gallons.

That's double what ARMA suggested in their 1997 (10 year old) bulletin. It should also be noted that ARMA does not maunufacture shingles they are simply an ORG.

At the bottom of this post are some links to the harmful affects of Chlorinated TSP and you can do a search on this board for "plants" "respirators" " frogs" "termites" to see the results of others posting who use that solution.

Good luck and stay safe.[/URL] edema/-od-definition adam 1%25252F0001401-s
Both are no longer available. Any other specific websites you recommend?
Very creative Scott, but it is missing something...........................The A-Team Theme song, Dant Dant-Dant da, Dant-dant da
Scott, I was wondering what your customers say when you tell them they can not be home during the clean - that would bother me as a home owner??

Also what chemicals do you have listed on your estimates?
