Play nice Matt, Flue Steam was very accommodating during my visit. Well,
I just walked in the door at the house here in PR. I need a vacation after all of that running around. Again, I want to thank everyone who made the learning experiences worth my trip out to California. Dave, I apologize, I was going to come up North and last minute the whole family went on the trip. Maybe next time??? I plan on giving a decent write up in the next couple of days, right now I just want some sleep!!!! Every time I doze off, I suddenly jump with fright as the voices in my head scream the repeated chant of...ALWAYS BE CLOSING!!!!!!! Wife..."you want coffee honey?" I answer.." Coffee is for closers woman!!!!"....More and more I am feeling like "The one who flew over the cuckoos nest".....What was in that grease anyways?...See Ya'll that is.