First Certified Bryan Sales (BS) Specialist

Did he get the stove climbing training from Dave yet?
Hey Boys sitting at the terminal in LAX. I want to thank EVERYONE who made my Exhaust experiences GREASY!!!!

I'll chime in after my 11 hour flight back to the Island.

You guys rock!!!! Sorry about there not being any strippers at the Circus Chris.

Always Be Closing!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought you were coming to Nor Cal-we had work plans for you. Sorry you couldn't make it. I am sure that the So Cal group made you take the left fork in the road.
Looks like your power is on Josh!
Hey Dave, How ya feeling?
Still sore?
EnviroClean said:
Hey Boys sitting at the terminal in LAX. I want to thank EVERYONE who made my Exhaust experiences GREASY!!!!

We also want to thank you for all of the inside information you gave us on Flue Steam. With the information you acquired we should be able to cut our cost in half and increase or profits enough to buy them out in the coming year. Dont worry, we will set aside some money for your legal fees:D
Play nice Matt, Flue Steam was very accommodating during my visit. Well,
I just walked in the door at the house here in PR. I need a vacation after all of that running around. Again, I want to thank everyone who made the learning experiences worth my trip out to California. Dave, I apologize, I was going to come up North and last minute the whole family went on the trip. Maybe next time??? I plan on giving a decent write up in the next couple of days, right now I just want some sleep!!!! Every time I doze off, I suddenly jump with fright as the voices in my head scream the repeated chant of...ALWAYS BE CLOSING!!!!!!! Wife..."you want coffee honey?" I answer.." Coffee is for closers woman!!!!"....More and more I am feeling like "The one who flew over the cuckoos nest".....What was in that grease anyways?...See Ya'll that is.
Ron thanks for making the networking here so easy. All the guys were great. Grant told me you wanted to fly out, I am sorry i couldn't catch up with you, I was on the go nonstop. Matt, Chris and I were brainstorming maybe a Greaser convention some day down on the Island. Thanks again for this great board.

Always Be closing. Flatwork or Grease, Always Be closing. I am seriously considering hanging up my dress and going all grease all the time.
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Grease is more fun than flatwork.
Shoot you mean I've been using the wrong uniform all this time. Russ you told me it was a dress but then again you told me you wear heels too. I shoulda known better than trust an Ex Con