Finally Warm Enough To Wash

Finally by This Sunday I can start washing again, we have had two weeks of cold weather temps from upper teens to upper twenties, I'm way behind and need to get washing so I can help my Economy Out :D

I was just getting able to start washing two weeks ago and then BAM SNOW and Cold temps again :eek: ENOUGH already I want Summer Temps LOL

I need to get all my Washing Done before the Vegas RT so I will be running like a mad man getting everything caught up.
I have two new centers coming on line April 1, so I need to get all my other stuff done so I can clean these places Up. Winter Cleanups Suck too LOL they are the dirtiest right after winter from not being cleaned in months and all the Ice Melt they trow out around here, I try to blow all of the Ice Melt off before washing them too, I hate breathing in all the Ice melt in Steam Form if I can help it, that stuff is nasty and will give you a Sore Throat Fast. When I start a new shopping center I try to get it Real Clean so all I have to do is maintain it after that and not work so hard keeping it looking good.
We hadnt had real rain in weeks/months, and all of the sudden we have a week of rain, right when we are planning on starting a large condo roof cleaning. Sure will give Celeste time to catch up on our marketing materials though!
The Snow has been a gift from God here, we were at 50% of Normal here and we are at 93% of norm in two weeks. I was getting a bit worried there about washing this summer if they were going to put Regs on us for outdoor washing.
Lucky you. I gave up trying to sell future services this week. It was-7yesterday and warmed up to -2this morning. Nobody is thinking spring yet. I still have over a foot of snow in my yard and on my work truck.
I know how you feel. It has started to warm up here good and then a cold-front blew in last nite and we will have rain until next week.

I am bidding on some more large jobs but not sure if I can do them, kind of sucks.

....but you know what they say about our weather....... just wait a minute, and it will change. "They" whoever they are, are usually right.

It seems our forcast changes hourly around here. Cold front blew in yesterday, along with some rain. I have no objections as the pollen and green slime buildup only lead to more $$$ in the end for us.

There has been a green haze in the air for the past couple of weeks, and makes for some tough breathing. The rain will cause it to settle a bit and then comes the slime issues. The phones will be bangin' for us once the populus gets back outside.
Believe it or not Adrian, we have had a few people tell us they wanted to wait a few months for the pollen to stop before they had work done. The first customer that told us that we thought it was just an excuse to not use us. Now we have had 3-4 tell us the same thing. No matter how we explain to them that 1. it has nothing to do with their roof being dirty, and 2. we have a 2 year warranty if it was to make it dirty they just dont go for it. We're talking $1k jobs, all because of the pollen. Crazy.
yep, but it will through in a couple of weeks, but the slime will be there each time it rains. Happens every year. Some want it done now and some will wait.
I'll take either one, it's all the same to me.
Well it stay just above Freezing last night so I took advantage of it and washed two Shopping Centers. We have a Storm moving through today so the temps are up but it looks like it is going to be a Bit WINDY so now I will have to wait and see if the wind is real bad tonight, I hate trying to wash when it is blowing like crazy out, I seem to get more water on my then the Concrete.